Causes and measures (palm lily)

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Too much or too little water

If the shoots or even the Trunk soft become kinked, and even look putrid, then you have most likely poured too much. Yuccas do not tolerate high levels of moisture and react when wet with rot, which always moves from bottom to top. Simply cutting off the above-ground, putrid shoots will not do much. Instead, you have to pot the plants, whereby the roots will probably no longer be salvable at this stage. Cut off the still healthy parts of the plant and root them in a pot Potting soil respectively. one peat-free Potting soil. If, on the other hand, the shoots are simply kinked without any form of rot being noticeable, then you have not watered enough.

also read

  • Yucca palm leaves drooping - causes and countermeasures
  • Yucca palm dies - causes and countermeasures
  • Yucca palm has dry leaves - causes and countermeasures

Too little light - poor growth

Too little light leads to poor growth in the yucca and consequently to the fact that the trunk cannot support the heavy leaf crown and therefore kinks. Always place the yucca in front of a window, but not in the blazing sun. If the window sill is too narrow for a larger plant, you should place it on a table or similar. ä. place in front of it. In the summer the yucca feels too

on the balcony very well.

Lack of supply of nutrients

If the yucca is fertilized too little or too seldom or not repotted in fresh substrate at all, then the insufficient supply of nutrients also leads to soft, weak shoots and thus to kinking of the plant. Fertilize the yucca regularly with a liquid green plant fertilizer and repot them in fresh substrate about every two to three years.


Aborted or parts of the yucca plant that have snapped off as a result of an accident can easily be rooted by placing the pieces in a pot with potting soil or potting soil. Put a mixture of peat-free potting soil and some sand and keep it slightly moist.