When, how much and with what?

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How much fertilizer does the hemp palm need?

Very few palms die because they haven't received enough fertilizer. The opposite is more likely the case: Palms die because of excess nutrients. This also applies to them Hemp palm.

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You should therefore be more economical with the fertilizer.

Only fertilize the hemp palm during the growing season

Like all palms, a hemp palm is only fertilized during the growth phase. It usually lasts from the end of March to September.

During the Winter months the hemp palm takes a break. During this time it is not fertilized. You should also use it in very dark locations or at low temperatures Fertilize completely renounce.

This fertilization recommendation does not only apply to hemp palms in pots, but also to palms that are grown outdoors.

Give fertilizer every two to three weeks

Slow release fertilizer you only have to give at the beginning of the growth phase. In the case of hemp palms that have been growing in the same substrate for a long time, you can fertilize a second time in July at the latest.

When using Fertilizer stick(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) follow the manufacturer's instructions. A monthly fertilization is usually sufficient here.

Liquid fertilizer is the Irrigation water added as two to three weeks.

Fertilize with liquid fertilizer or sticks?

Special fertilizers are often offered in the trade for the hemp palm. These are quite expensive. They are not necessary. A normal fertilizer for green plants is completely sufficient for fertilizing hemp palms.

Whether you use granules, sticks, or liquid fertilizer is not that important. Long-term fertilizers are only preferable when keeping the hemp palm in the garden.

Never give more fertilizer than stated on the package. It is even better to reduce the recommended values ​​in order to avoid over-fertilization.

Do not fertilize after repotting

If you have a Repotted hemp palm do not give fertilizer for several months. Fresh substrate contains so many nutrients that there is a risk of over-fertilization if additional fertilizers are applied.

The right substrate for hemp palms

Hemp palms are in terms of that Plant substrate not very demanding. Special for potted plants Palm soil to buy is not necessary. For older specimens, normal garden soil is completely sufficient for the supply of the plants.

For younger hemp palms, you can compose the earth yourself:

  • Garden soil or compost
  • some gravel
  • sand
  • Lava granules

The substrate must be well permeable to water, as hemp palms do not tolerate waterlogging.


A common one Care errors is too strong or frequent fertilizing of the hemp palm. Usually there are already enough nutrients in the plant substrate so that you can be economical with the fertilizer.