This is how you grow herbs all year round

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Prepare an indoor greenhouse and sow seeds

All you need is a simple greenhouse. This consists of a flat shell and a cover, which should have closable ventilation slots. This model does not have to be heatable. Fill the planter bowl with good quality seed and herb soil up to the edge. Measure the appropriate distances with a ruler and make individual plant marks. Put the herb seeds in there - if possible individually - and cover them only lightly with soil. Moisten the seeds and cover the greenhouse with the cover. Put the whole thing in a bright and warm place (the kitchen would of course be ideal) and always keep the herb seeds slightly moist for the coming days and weeks. Also, don't forget to ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

also read

  • The herb garden on the windowsill
  • Design the herb garden sensibly
  • The practical herb garden for the indoor area

Which herbs are suitable for the indoor greenhouse?

They are naturally suitable for cultivation directly in the indoor greenhouse - after all, the planter is not too big and not deep either - only smaller herbs like parsley, chives, cress or Pick salad. However, you can also prick out the plants after germination and as soon as they are large enough and move them to larger planters. In this case, there are a number of possible types available.

Prick out herbs and cultivate them on the windowsill

The pots with the home-grown herbs are wonderful on the windowsill cultivate as long as it is light and warm enough there. Remember that the plants need several hours of light a day and install a plant light if necessary. Watering and fertilizing Use the herbs according to your needs, but avoid waterlogging. By the way: herbs can also be grown wonderfully in a (heated) greenhouse in winter.


Don't be surprised if some seeds don't seem to want to germinate: where the cress already shows its green tips after two days, parsley, for example, sometimes needs several to germinate Weeks. So be patient!