Silver rain ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips

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Origin and Distribution

Of the Silver rain is not a separate species, but a particularly conspicuous cultivar of the species Dichondra argentea, which is widespread in the south of the USA as well as in Central and South America. This belongs to the genus Dichondra comprising about 15 species, which in turn belongs to the family of the bindweed family (bot. Convolvulaceae) and the sweet potato (bot. Ipomoea batatas) is related.

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  • Silver rain - plant the distinctive plant
  • Is the silver rain hardy or only annual?
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The various dichondra species are almost exclusively in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America native, only two species - Dichondra repens and Dichondra brevifolia - can also be found in New Zealand and Australia. As a neophyte, Dichondra micrantha, originally native to Texas, Mexico and the Caribbean islands, spreads in southern Europe, where the species likes to grow over large areas

Lawn replacement is sown.

Appearance and stature

Dichondra argentea 'Silberregen' is a herbaceous plant with thin shoots up to one and a half or even two meters long, lying down or hanging down. The variety is sometimes referred to as 'Silver Falls'. The plants, mostly delivered as young plants or grown by themselves, are fast-growing and develop densely greened areas within a few weeks. For this reason, the creeping or creeping habit, which is actually perennial, but not sufficiently frost-hardy. Hanging plant can be cultivated as an annual without any problems.


The silver rain is best planted individually in hanging baskets or Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) comes into its own, but also decorates walls, projections, fences and similar structures on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. It is also very popular to use it as a lawn substitute for greening bare open spaces, for example in Perennial bed or as a limitation of such.

The shiny silver leaves are particularly emphasized by the association with red or blue to purple flowering perennials or summer flowers. Dichondra argentea is particularly suitable as a (hanging) background planting or Border. Suitable plant partners are, for example, monkshood (caution, poisonous!), Scented nettle, summer aster, lupine, Dye tube, delphinium, Bellflower, Knapweed, Carnation, red yarrow, Spurflower, thimble (also poisonous!) or hollyhock.

Dichondra argentea is also ideally suited as a houseplant, as the tropical plant with its high ornamental value is easy to care for.


The silvery, shiny, hairy leaves of the silver rain are reminiscent of small coins due to their rounded shape and sit close to the long, delicate shoots. This creates a compact, dense overall appearance.

Flowers, flowering time and fruits

The small, bright yellow-green bell flowers appear in abundance throughout the season, but are quite inconspicuous. After flowering, capsule fruits develop, which usually consist of two separate, membranous capsules with only one round seed each.


Dichondra argentea is non-toxic and therefore ideally suited for households with small children and curious pets.

Which location is suitable?

As a typical plant of the subtropics and tropics, the silver rain likes to keep it warm: in order to feel good and grow vigorously, the plant needs a temperature of at least 16 degrees Celsius. Dichondra argentea stops growing below this value. The ideal location should not only be warm, but also protected from wind and rain and as sunny to partially shaded as possible.

A slightly more shady location does not do any harm, however, as the plant is specifically looking for its way into sunlight thanks to its long shoots. Balcony plants in particular benefit from being planted in the shade. Only the shoots should grow in the sun. With this measure, the substrate in the bucket does not dry out as quickly and you have to water less.

Soil / substrate

With regard to the soil, the silver rain is quite undemanding and thrives on any well-drained, nutrient-rich, sandy-loamy soil is excellent - it just has to be permeable and loose, because the variety needs drought. For this reason, plants cultivated in pots should always be provided with good drainage so that waterlogging does not arise in the first place. In addition, excess irrigation water must be removed from the planter or saucer immediately after watering. Incidentally, potted plants feel most comfortable in good humus-based potting soil.

Incidentally, this description does not apply to all Dichondra species, because some - for example the Creeping Dipondra (bot. D. repens), this prefers a rather fresh to moist surface and must not dry out under any circumstances.

Plant silver rain properly

Since silver rain planted in the garden cannot get through the cold due to insufficient winter hardiness Season, you should either buy new young plants or these each year prefer. The seeds can be purchased cheaply in specialist shops.


From mid-January, sow the seeds in small pots with them Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) and place them on a light window sill at around 22 degrees Celsius. Keep the substrate only slightly moist and avoid getting wet, otherwise mold growth will occur. After about two weeks, the seedlings finally begin to grow, then you can lower the temperature to around 20 degrees Celsius.

Planting time

From mid to late May, when the temperatures outside are constantly at least 16 degrees Celsius Either place the young plants in the bed or in a larger pot with a more nutrient-rich substrate plants. However, slowly get used to the new location so that there is no irritation.

Alternatively, you can sow the seeds directly outside from May, but it must not be colder than 16 degrees Celsius after that.

Plant spacing

If you want to plant the silver rain as a ground cover, a planting distance of at least 20 centimeters is recommended. The plants can be up to 60 centimeters wide and between 15 and 30 centimeters high, which is why the recommended spacing is also in planters such as one Flower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) should be adhered to. For a balcony box with a length of 60 centimeters you should plan a maximum of five silver rain plants.
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Pour silver rain

In contrast to some other dichondra species, the silver rain needs little water and can cope with drought and heat excellently. So water only moderately but regularly and let the substrate dry off in between.

Make sure that you only water from below and that you do not wet the leaves and flowers.

Fertilize silver rain properly

As annual plants, specimens planted in the garden do not need any fertilizer. Silver rain cultivated in pots - which, after all, can be overwintered quite easily - you should between August and September, however, about every four weeks with a liquid fertilizer applied via the irrigation water supply.

Cut silver rain correctly

If you only cultivate the silver rain once a year, pruning is not necessary. Only if the shoots are too long can you simply shorten them with scissors and otherwise let the fast-growing plant grow. Overwintered specimens, on the other hand, are completely cut back in spring and then sprout all the more beautifully.

Silver rain multiply

The silver rain can be easily reproduced not only with seeds, but also with cuttings cut in early summer. To do this, cut off head cuttings about five centimeters long and put them in small pots with a growing medium. Place the potty in a bright, but not directly sunny, and warm place, for example on a window sill. Keep the substrate slightly damp, but not wet. The cuttings form roots within a short time and, as soon as new leaves develop, they can be put in a larger pot or in Cold frame implemented.


Silver rain planted in the garden is not hardy and can also be protected with protective measures such as brushwood etc. not be overwintered outdoors. Therefore, dichondra used as a ground cover must be replanted every year. However, specimens cultivated in pots can be brought through the cold season under the following conditions:

  • bright, protected location in the house or winter garden
  • Temperatures between ten and 15 degrees Celsius
  • Silver rain stops growth at temperatures below 12 degrees Celsius
  • Reduce watering significantly during winter
  • Let the substrate dry out at least two centimeters between waterings
  • Completely stop fertilization

In April you cut back the silver rain completely and repot the plant in fresh, nutrient-rich substrate and, if necessary, a larger container. Now start slowly again with the Fertilize and also slowly increase the amount of water. From mid to late May, the plant can finally go outside again, provided the temperatures are consistently above 16 degrees Celsius.

Diseases and pests

The silver rain is considered robust and is rarely attacked by diseases and pests.


In addition to the 'silver rain' variety of the species Dichondra argentea, there are also hanging bells (bot. Campanula poscharskyana) a variety of the same name. This bears its poetic name because of the lush, snow-white flowers. In addition, the common robinia is sometimes referred to as silver rain.

Species and varieties

In addition to the species Dichondra argentea and its variety 'Silberregen', other species of dichondra are also cultivated as ornamental plants. Dichondra micrantha, for example, is used as a ground cover and lawn substitute. Dichondra repens is also cultivated as an ornamental plant and can be used as a lawn substitute or ground cover in gardens. The species has green to gray leaves and is sown anew every year. Dichondra repens is a small, herbaceous plant native to New Zealand and many parts of Australia. Occasionally referred to as kidney herb, it often grows in forest and grassland habitats.

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