Recognize and treat diseases

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Recognize diseases in the hardworking Lieschen and treat them correctly

In general, hard-working lizards are no more affected by diseases than other popular ones Balcony plants. However, there are two diseases from which the plants can usually no longer be saved: the falling sickness and the wrong one mildew. In the case of falling-over disease (a fungal disease), dark and constricted areas are initially visible at the base of the stem, and shortly afterwards the plants die after being twisted. Before the Planting new, hard-working Lieschen, the substrate must be changed. Downy mildew usually occurs on the underside of the leaves after cool rain phases and can spread quickly. Affected plants should be removed as soon as possible and placed in a closed plastic bag.

also read

  • The hard-working Lieschen as a true flower miracle: flowering time and helpful tips
  • Hard-working Lizzie as a flower miracle - poisonous or not?
  • Successful wintering of hard-working Lieschen

Often disease-like symptoms result from care and location errors

The most common deficiency symptoms in the hardworking Lieschen are not due to illnesses, but to incorrect location and care conditions. There are various reasons for this:

  • too much or too little sun
  • too exposed and wet location
  • to cold temperatures
  • Waterlogging at the roots

The hardworking Lieschen tolerate full sun locations just as badly as extremely dark corners in the garden or on the balcony. If there is too little light, elongated stems with only a few leaves often form. When watering, water with as little lime as possible should be used. With a drainage layer made of fine gravel, you take care in the pots and Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) for optimal prevention of waterlogging at the roots of the hardworking lizards. This can sometimes lead to the death of the entire plant.

Pests on the busy Lieschen

In gardens with a snail problem, the hard-working Lieschen can easily become the target of slimy pests. This problem does not exist when you hang the hard-working lizards in a flower traffic light cultivate. Other possible pests on the busy Lieschen are:

  • Aphids
  • Whiteflies
  • Spider mites

Most of the time, the infestation with these pests is so limited that it is usually not necessary to use the chemical club.


So that your hard-working lizards do not become susceptible to downy mildew, you should pay attention to the correct watering behavior. Do not shower the plants but water them as close to the ground as possible. In addition, watering in the morning hours is preferable to watering in the evening, as damp parts of the plant can then dry out over the course of the day.