This is how the sowing becomes a success

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Properties of the seeds

The relatively small morning glory seeds contain around 35 to 45 seeds in one gram of seeds. Since there is an almost incalculable number of color variants, a number of subspecies with, for example, blue, pink or white flower funnels are also available in specialist shops. The following properties must be taken into account when sowing:

  • Dark germ
  • Morning glories are sensitive to frost
  • optimal germination temperature: 18 to 20 degrees Celsius
  • Germination time: around two weeks

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  • Select the optimal location for the morning glory
  • Easily pull the morning glory from seeds
  • Plant the morning glory as a privacy screen and flower miracle on the balcony

It will make germination easier if you soak the seeds in water for a few hours before sowing. In addition, you can save a lot of time and effort when pricking out if you have 3 to 4 seeds directly on the planned one Location or sow each in a separate pot.

Prefer morning glories in the house

Morning glories are extremely fast-growing climbing plants, but due to their sensitivity to cold temperatures, they cannot be sown and planted before the ice saints. You can give the morning glory a time head start when it comes to growth in spring

on the balcony or in the garden when you have the young plants on the windowsill prefer. Optimal timing for planting in the garden is if you sow the seeds indoors between late March and early April.

Direct sowing of morning glory outdoors

From the end of May you can also sow the morning glory directly on the spot in the open air. When choosing a location, make sure that it is as sunny as possible with a certain amount of protection in front of it Wind and rain. If pets and small children are playing in your garden, they should not be near the sometimes poisonous subspecies the morning glory arrive. This problem can be solved if you place the morning glories in hanging planters or at a height that is unattainable for children and small animals Window boxes(€ 109.00 at Amazon *) sow.


If you yourself Morning glory seeds If you want to collect for the following season, it is essential that you let the seed pods ripen completely. Interesting color crossings can occur with this non-varietal propagation method.

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