Planting gentian in the garden »Planting and care tips

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Planting gentian in the garden

Enzian attaches great importance to a good location and even more to a nutritious, loose soil.

also read

  • The right location for the gentian in the garden
  • The flowering time of gentian depends on the variety
  • Properly care for gentians in the garden or in pots

The rock garden is ideal as a location. The stones keep the soil moist and the supply of lime for Clusius gentians is ensured. Koch's gentians, on the other hand, tend to feel at home under conifers.

Location tips:

  • Sunny to partial shade
  • Avoid too much direct sun
  • Not too warm
  • Somewhat sheltered from the wind

Prepare the soil well

Gentian, regardless of the variety, does not tolerate waterlogging at all. Therefore loosen the soil well so that rain and irrigation water can run off.

Enrich the soil with ripe compost and, depending on the type of gentian, with lime.

Plant or sow in spring

The best time to plant is early spring. Gentian plants grown earlier by the gardener usually bloom after a few weeks.

You can still plant gentian in autumn. If you want to sow the alpine flower, autumn is the best time. the

Seeds then get enough cold to germinate.

How to care for the gentian

Once the gentian has really grown, there is not much left care necessary.

Water moderately but regularly so that the roots never dry out and are not too moist.

If the gentian does not want to bloom properly, depending on the variety, you can add lime or improve the soil with compost.

A little winter protection is good for the gentian

In principle, gentian is hardy, but sensitive plants in particular should be protected from excessive frost.

Before winter cut The plants to thin them out. Cover the gentian for Overwinter with sticks or other suitable material.

Tips & Tricks

Gentian is not a houseplant. You are also allowed to use the plants with their pretty blue flowers in the pot or maintain the balcony box. But they belong outside on the terrace, balcony or outside window sill.

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