Propagate Zamioculcas via offshoots

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Use only healthy mother plants for propagation

However, you should not take cuttings from sick or diseased ones for propagation. sickly mother plants take, because these will not be healthy either - after all, vegetative reproduction is about a kind of creation of clones: the cuttings obtained have exactly the same properties as the mother plant.

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Put leaf cuttings in the growing medium

the Zamioculcas will mostly propagated by leaf cuttings. This procedure has proven itself for rooting:

  • Pluck one or more pinnate leaves.
  • You can cut these off too, but then they root worse.
  • Dip the sheet of paper with the torn off edge Rooting powder.
  • Now stick it about two centimeters deep in a pot Potting soil.
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist.
  • Put a cut off PET bottle or something on it. ä. about the cutting.
  • Place the pot in a bright, but not directly sunny location.

Now you have to be patient, because it can take up to 12 months for the new plant to take root.

Root cuttings with several leaves

In addition to individual leaves, you can also use whole petioles with multiple leaves as cuttings. However, in contrast to the leaf cuttings, these should be rooted in the water.

  • Cut a petiole with four or five leaves.
  • Place this in a dark vessel with fresh, warm water.
  • Place the container in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • A window facing east or west is ideal.
  • It should also be consistently warm.
  • Change the water daily to prevent fungi from colonizing.

After a few months, small tubers develop from which the roots finally emerge. Now you can have the zamioculcas in normal earth plant, but you will have to wait a while for the first real shoot.


If you want the leaf cuttings to take root more quickly, you should water them with willow water that you have prepared yourself instead of tap water or rainwater.

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