Place the poinsettia on the balcony

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When can the poinsettia go on the balcony?

Poinsettias don't tolerate anything at all frost. Before you take it to the balcony or terrace, the temperature outside must be at least five degrees. Bear in mind that it can sometimes be very cold even on May nights.

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On the balcony he can Christmas star stay until the autumn days get too cool again. Get him into the house on time.

Before moving, slowly get the plant used to the new surroundings and the changed temperatures. Cut off any remaining bracts.

The right location on the balcony or terrace

  • Bright
  • sunny
  • warm
  • draft protected

The poinsettia likes a warm, sunny place in summer. He does not tolerate drafts in the house or outdoors.

If possible, place it in a place where it is not exposed to heavy rain, as it will not tolerate too much moisture.

How to care for the poinsettia outside

Do not water the poinsettia outside until the soil on top has dried off. Do not use water that is too cold. If possible, water with rainwater.

Do not place the pot on a coaster. Excess irrigation water or rainwater can then flow away unhindered. In this way waterlogging can be prevented.

Fertilize You the poinsettia every three to four weeks with a liquid fertilizer that has a high potash content.

Darken from November

In order to get a poinsettia to flower again, it needs a phase in which there is less than twelve hours of light a day.

From November at the latest, you should put the plant in a darker place and cover it with a bag if necessary. Now is the latest to bring the poinsettia back into your home.


Gets the Poinsettia yellow leaves, it is most likely too damp. Let the potting compost dry out before you water it again. Put it in a dry place on the balcony or terrace for some time.