Cut back the cranesbill after flowering

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Pruning promotes re-flowering

With some geranium species, it can be worth pruning after flowering, because you will then be rewarded with a second flowering. With this cut, cut off all the stems with faded flowers just above the ground, but leave the leaf rosette untouched. A little liquid complete fertilizer increases the willingness of the plant to have a second flower.

Which cranesbill species bloom a second time

Cranesbill species Latin name Heyday
Clarke's cranesbill Geranium clarkei June to August
Pink cranesbill Geranium endressii April to June
Himalayan cranesbill Geranium himalayense June to July
Magnificent cranesbill Geranium x magnificum May June
Oxford cranesbill Geranium x oxonianum June to August
Brown cranesbill Geranium phaeum June July
Meadow cranesbill Geranium pratense July to August
Armenian cranesbill Geranium psilostemon June July
Caucasian cranesbill Geranium renardii June July
Forest cranesbill Geranium sylvaticum June to July
Garden cranesbill Geranium hybrids until autumn


If you value the longest and most abundant flowering possible, then you are well advised to use geranium hybrids. These cross breeds often have extremely long flowering times.

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