Indoor plants »Detect and control pests

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General symptoms of pest infestation on indoor plants

  • yellow leaves
  • rolled up leaves
  • knob-like growths on the leaves
  • mildew (white, sticky coating)
  • small fruiting bodies on leaves and stalk
  • soaring flies
  • Stunted stature
  • Feeding marks
  • cobweb-like threads

The most common pests on indoor plants

Sciarid gnats

Sciarid gnats are small black flies that float up when you touch the plant. The adult generation is with the bare eye recognizable and extremely annoying. Much worse, however, are the young maggots that live in the substrate of the plant and feed on the roots. As a result, withered parts of the plant are an indication of an infestation.
For treatment, it is best to dry the plant if it can tolerate this measure. Stop watering completely for a few days. Sciarid gnats love moist soil and soon lose interest in the chosen habitat. It should also help to cover the bucket with a plastic sheet.

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The well-known honeydew, a floury, white, sometimes sticky coating on the leaves comes from aphids. The small pests come in numerous colors such as yellow, red, black or even green and suck the sap from the leaves. They prefer to stay on the underside of the leaf. If the leaves of your plant curl up, aphid infestation is very likely. Young plants in particular are affected and seriously damaged.
If the infestation is low, it helps to shower the affected plant. For biological control, prepare a spray from water, Soft soap(€ 38.88 at Amazon *) or neem oil too. Repeated application is often necessary.

Spider mites

Spider mites are known for the fine threads that they spin around the leaves. What is largely unknown, however, is that not all species make themselves noticeable in this way. Without the typical symptoms, an infestation usually goes undetected. The consequences for the houseplant are fatal:

  • Curvatures of the leaves
  • Discoloration of the leaves
  • complete leaf shedding
  • Death of the plant
  • Spider mites migrate to neighboring plants

To combat the spider mites, first remove all parts of the plant that show the symptoms mentioned. Try to drive away the pests by rinsing the plant with a strong jet of water. Most of the time, however, a handful of animals survive this measure. Experts also advise isolating the plant, putting a plastic sheet over the pot and storing the plant in a separate place for around ten days.

Scale insects

Scale insects express themselves as small knobs on the houseplant. Just like aphids, they excrete honeydew and cause the plant to shed its leaves. Fortunately, a minor infestation remains quite harmless.
Nevertheless, you should fight the pests: a solution of soft soap and water or pure alcohol can help.

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