They also thrive in cooler locations

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Warm, protected location

Cypresses like it warm to partial shade. Shadows are not suitable. Of the Location should be a little sheltered from the wind.

also read

  • Water cypress trees regularly
  • What is the planting distance for cypress trees?
  • Fertilize cypress trees properly

Good areas for planting real cypresses are the Rhineland and other regions where temperatures do not drop too much in winter and where it does not rain as often.

Water and fertilize regularly

The cypress' greatest enemy is drought. The root ball should never dry out completely. That is why you need cypress trees even in winter on frost-free days to water.

In the spring you should cover the trees with compost or Coniferous fertilizer care so that the cypresses find enough nutrients.

Protect from frost in winter

  • Floor with Mulch(€ 568.77 at Amazon *) cover
  • Protect trees with burlap
  • water regularly

They only tolerate them to a limited extent for a short time hardy cypress trees even temperatures that drop to minus 10-15 degrees. If the frost periods last longer, you must ensure good winter protection.

Cover the bottom with mulch blankets. In unprotected locations, you can protect the trees from frost with sackcloth or brushwood carpets. Bubble wrap is only suitable as winter protection for potted plants, as the cover has to be ventilated more often. Otherwise, mold will form or the trees will rot.

Cypress trees for inconvenient locations

Real cypresses should really only be planted where you can provide a good location and the right soil moisture.

If your garden is in an area where it often freezes or rains a lot, it is better to plant false cypresses or Thuja. These varieties are more resilient and can cope better with the cold.

You don't have to do without real cypress trees on the terrace. Simply plant the conifers in tubs. So they can be better overwinter and protect from excessive frost.


In recent years, cypresses have also been increasingly suffering from changes in the weather in the Mediterranean region. Many trees there are threatened by fungal attack because the weather is far too dry or too wet.