This is how you help with the sowing

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Wild mallow are preferred

In order for the wild mallows to bloom early, prefer them indoors:

  • prefer from February
  • small pots with Potting soil to fill
  • Put in the seed and cover lightly with soil
  • Set up bright, but not too sunny
  • ideal germination temperature 18 to 22 degrees
  • keep moist

also read

  • The wild mallow needs little care
  • It's child's play - sowing the mallow
  • Wild mallows in the garden - a profile

Sowing directly in the field

You can also sow wild mallow outdoors without any problems. The plant is absolutely hardy. It then just takes a little longer for the first flowers to open.

The wild mallow can be sown in autumn and from March. Look for a sunny location without waterlogging. Scatter the seeds 5 to 10 centimeters apart and cover them lightly.

Prick out after emergence

As soon as the plants have developed more than three pairs of leaves, you have to separate them. To do this, carefully dig up any excess wild mallow so that there is a distance of around 50 centimeters between the remaining plants.

You plant the extracted wild mallow in the other beautiful places. They fit very well in the flowerbed or Perennial bed. The only important thing is that they get enough sun.

Would you like the wild mallow in the bucket maintain, put the plants in pots. Because of the long tap roots, the tub should be at least 60 centimeters deep and have a drainage hole.

Where do you get seeds from?

It is easiest to collect seeds from existing plants in the fall. To sow certain varieties, buy seeds from specialist nurseries.

It is worth sowing several varieties, as these differ in color and size of the flower.


Wild mallow form long tap roots. Don't wait too long to transplant the young seedlings to the desired location. Digging up older plants will damage the roots too much.