Transplant hibiscus in the garden

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Great care must be taken when transplanting the garden hawkish (rose hawkish). Over the years, the hibiscus has created a broad root system that is very sensitive to damage. Nevertheless, the hibiscus has a fair chance of growing well in a new location.

also read

  • The right location for garden, tub and room hibiscus
  • Planting tips for the garden hibiscus
  • The importance of the hibiscus as a national flower, garden and houseplant, tea and remedy

Well prepared

Good preparation is important for the implementation to be successful. First of all, the new location must be carefully selected. You should proceed according to the following questions:

  • Is the new location sunny and sheltered from the wind?
  • How much space does the shrub need?
  • Can the hibiscus settle here permanently?

To move the hibiscus, you need a few tools that you should have ready beforehand. You need:

  • spade
  • Digging fork or rake
  • Water bucket
  • Garden shears or loppers
  • Compost or bark mulch
  • possibly wheelbarrows for transport.

Perhaps you will also find an energetic helper.

Move step-by-step

  • First the new planting hole is dug. This should be about 50cm deep and at least 50cm wide so that the roots have enough space. In addition, you loosen up the soil in the pit well.
  • If you have not cut back the hibiscus this year, you can shorten the shoots by approx. a third and remove sick, withered and shaggy branches.
  • The hibiscus will now dig up generously. Be careful not to damage any roots if possible.
  • Carefully remove the hibiscus and carry or drive it with the wheelbarrow to the new planting site.
  • Before planting, you should water the planting hole well again.
  • Now you can carefully insert the bush and fill the hole with the excavated material. In between you should water the earth again and again.
  • Finally, you step on the earth, pour the hibiscus again and cover the ground with bark mulch or compost.

For good growth

So that the hibiscus grows well, you have to water it regularly, especially when it is dry, if necessary and fertilize it with a winter protection Mistake. With a little patience you can then enjoy the most beautiful flowers.

Tips & Tricks

A good time to move the hibiscus is in spring. From approx. The annual pruning can take place at the end of March and the shrub has enough time to grow until winter.

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