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Only fertilize if there is a lack of nutrients

For its strong growth, the waterweed needs plenty of nutrients, which it gets from the water. It thus competes with algae for nutrients and successfully prevents algae blooms.

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The waterweed is only fertilized when a lack of nutrients becomes noticeable with pale colored leaves. Fertilize Put them in the pond with a liquid aquatic plant fertilizer until the symptoms of deficiency have disappeared again. Daily fertilizers are recommended in the aquarium, as the small dosage prevents over-fertilization.

Use the scissors regularly

No matter if they are outside in the pond or is planted in the aquarium, it is extremely rare that the waterweed is not growing properly. On the contrary, it even grows so profusely that the uncontrolled spread of the Fights water spill must become.

  • Thinning stems regularly
  • possibly. shorten heavily
  • possible at any time in the aquarium
  • outside from June
  • Waterweed can develop from any section multiply
  • therefore remove clippings from the water


If you have waterweed and a plant basket in the pond plant, you can more easily control or them for that Cut get out of the water.

Winter in the pond

In autumn the The shoots of the waterweed are mostly brown and sink into the depths. Fish out most of the plant parts, otherwise they would rot and affect the water quality. Part of it is allowed to stay in the water to sprout again in spring.


The Argentine waterweed is only partially hardy and needs light even in winter. If the winter is rough or if the pond is under a blanket of snow for a long time, the plant can die completely. If possible, overwinter a piece of it in the aquarium and plant it again in spring.

Additional care in the aquarium

All waterweed plants that are permanent in the aquarium life require sufficient light and CO2 as well as an even one Temperature. Make sure that the ideal values ​​are given.

  • 10-20 mg CO2 per liter
  • bright location, alternatively plant lighting
  • no direct sunlight
  • Use floor heating incl. Water flow