Here's how to do it right

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The best time to cut

Basically it is Wollziest a very easy to care for plant, with individual leaves and plant stems for use as vase jewelry or Medicinal herb can be cut off around the year. The pruning for the development of a compact and healthy plant shape can be done either in spring or autumn. For aesthetic reasons and for a more gentle wintering, it is advisable to remove the stalks of the woolly zest immediately after flowering, unless you are on the Propagation by seeds are instructed. However, you should leave the leaf mass in place so that the Wollziest can recharge its batteries for the new season before winter.

also read

  • The Wollziest: toxic for humans or animals?
  • The perfect care for the Wollziest in the home garden
  • The Wollziest: medicinal plant from your own garden

Allow the Wollziest a visually perfect start to the season

Especially after long and wet winters, it can happen that individual parts of the woolen costume look battered. You should therefore also cut the plants immediately after flowering in spring

check again and so give the fresh shoot sufficient space. If the rather inconspicuous flowers are of little interest to you, you should still not remove them before they bloom. Many rare species of bees and other insects appreciate the Wollziest as a summer fodder plant.

Cut off the flowers of the woolen zest and dry them

The Wollziest is not only liked as Medicinal plant used, but its flower stalks are sometimes also dried for use in dry bouquets. This can be done very easily after the following steps:

  • Cut flowers well in advance of blooming on a hot day
  • Hang upside down in a well-ventilated, dry place
  • For thicker bouquets, mix the flower stalks a few times so that they can all dry equally well

They are particularly attractive for use in dry bouquets Wollziest cultivars like the visually impressive “Cotton Boll” variety, whose white inflorescences are astonishingly reminiscent of the shape of cotton.


If you or friends have pets such as hares or rabbits, you do not need to throw cut plant material from Wollziest unused on the compost. The somewhat bitter-tasting plant is also found in a balanced feed mix non-toxic for rodents and can enrich their menu.