How hardy is it?

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Protect young trumpet tree from the cold

A is only valid from the age of around four to five years Trumpet tree as hardy and either requires little or no winter protection. Younger specimens, on the other hand, are initially much more sensitive and need careful hardening. Careful winter protection is advisable for young trumpet trees, for example by wrapping the trunk and crown with gardening fleece or foil, bamboo mats or jute exist. The root area is best covered with fir or spruce branches. Some gardeners recommend - especially in milder winter regions - to whiten the trunk instead tearing of the bark caused by moisture, intense sunlight and frost impede.

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  • Trumpet tree loves a sunny and warm location
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Also, cuttings up to an age of around two to three years are seldom so winter-proof that they can overwinter outdoors. At best, such a young trumpet tree remains in a planter and spends the cold season under frost-free, but cool conditions. The sapling should, however

do not overwinter in a warm living room, because as a deciduous plant it needs a break from vegetation, and under such conditions there is no getting used to the seasons and thus hardening.

Protect the trumpet tree from moisture in winter

Like so many plants, the trumpet tree, which is robust in itself, is quite sensitive to moisture and often develops fungal diseases if the site conditions are too humid. To such a Prevent infection, you have to avoid excessive wetness even in winter. For this reason, the root area in particular should be well protected; the whitening of the trunk also protects against the ingress of moisture.


A good, carefully selected location however, offers the best guarantee to survive a cold winter. The trumpet tree prefers a sunny and sheltered place with nutrient-rich, well-drained and slightly sandy soil.

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