Location, planting time, root barrier and more

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Location requirements

Vinegar trees grow splendidly in sunny places and also thrive in the Penumbra. A sandy soil with high permeability is ideal so that no waterlogging occurs. The nutritional content plays a subordinate role. Pay attention to the pH value, because the shrub does not tolerate very calcareous soils. The same conditions apply to planting in pots.

also read

  • How to transplant shrubs - tips and tricks
  • How to plant shrubs - tips and tricks
  • Fern-like or mackerel - the varieties of the vinegar tree

Root lock

The shrubs develop an extensive root system, which spreads flat in the upper soil layers. Since the roots tend to sprout, especially when pruning the bush, uncontrolled growth often occurs. To prevent the spread, consider one when planting Root lock put in the ground. Pond liners are unsuitable as the strong roots drill holes in the material and grow through them.

Sink a bottomless stone vessel or one Rain barrel without soil in the planting hole. The root barriers should give the shrub enough space so that it can spread well in the first few years. A diameter of two meters is ideal. It is inevitable that vinegar trees wither over time if there is a lack of space. In that case, you can

Cut cuttings and rejuvenate the shrub.

How to grow young plants:

  • Cut off 15 centimeter long shoots at an angle
  • Fill the planter with a mixture of sand, earth and coconut fibers
  • Insert the cutting halfway into the substrate


Vinegar trees do not require any complex maintenance measures. At a suitable location, they are grateful for watering if the drought lasts for a long time. When cultivating in a bucket, you should make sure that the soil is kept continuously moist.

You do not need to provide the shrub with special fertilizers. If growth stagnates and the tree withers, you can support the vinegar tree with compost. Spread the compost on the Tree grate and do not work into the soil. There is a risk that you damage the roots and drive them out uncontrollably from the wounds. Older trees should be thinned out regularly. Cut bare branches and watch for root saplings.