Juicing sea buckthorn »How to make an orange vitamin bomb

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Harvest sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn bushes are thorny and up to six meters high, which makes berry harvest a little difficult.
You can laboriously pick the berries one by one, squeeze the berries on the branches (milk sea buckthorn), a rather mushy one Matter or cut off the branches with the berries, freeze them completely and the next day the frozen berries shake off.
Pruning the bush does not harm it; on the contrary, it stimulates the growth of new shoots.

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Juice the sea buckthorn

  1. Cut the berry branches you need.
  2. Wash the berries under running water.
  3. Freeze the whole branches.
  4. The next day, thaw the berries, shake them off the branches and boil them once. The berries burst from the heat.
  5. Put the berries in a colander, gently squeeze them out and collect the juice.

You can also use a juicer to extract the juice from the sea buckthorn berries. As a result of the slow squeezing process, not so much oxygen gets into the juice, hardly any foam is formed and all the vital substances in the juice are retained.

  1. Prepare the berries for the press: harvest, wash, freeze, thaw.
  2. Put the berries in the juicer and collect the juice.
  3. You can sweeten the juice with sugar, maple syrup, or honey.

Sea buckthorn juice in stock

If you want to preserve your sea buckthorn juice for the winter, boil the juice and add sugar in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour the hot juice into previously sterilized bottles. You can drink the concentrated juice diluted with water or use it to make jam.
If you want to cover your daily vitamin C requirement with sea buckthorn, you can easily dose the juice obtained. Freeze the juice in ice cube trays. The ice cubes contain roughly the vitamin C requirement of a day and can be dissolved in tea, muesli or other fruit juices.

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