Not hardy but in need of protection

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Slight minus degrees are tolerated

The pineapple guava is often described as "the hardest of all exotic plants" and in fact tolerates temperatures down to the slight minus range without being damaged. It has already been described in various ways how individual plants have withstood temperatures of up to minus six degrees Celsius or even more without any problems. However, these reports cannot be generalized, especially since with a tropical plant there is always the risk that at least the above-ground parts of the plant will freeze to death. You should also keep in mind that plants grown in pots are usually not as hardy as they are Planted specimens - as the protective layer of earth is missing, the roots are exposed to the cold and take so much quick damage.

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Hibernate the pineapple guava properly

The pineapple guava feels most comfortable at temperatures between 25 and 30 ° C, which is why it is best kept in the winter garden and there

be cultivated all year round can. Then, however, you have to ensure that the plant receives sufficient light even during the cold winter months; in addition to warmth, it also needs a place in the sun. If this is not possible, a cool winter storage at temperatures between 10 and a maximum of 15 ° C is advisable. Under no circumstances should it get warmer, otherwise the incidence of light in winter will not be sufficient: As a result, the pineapple guava sheds its leaves. Furthermore, you should consider the following points regarding correct care in winter:

  • Wintering in an unheated room, in a winter garden or in a glass house is ideal.
  • Temperatures should not exceed 15 ° C.
  • If it is warmer, you should install additional plant lamps.
  • In addition, the winter location should generally be as bright as possible.
  • Water regularly, even in winter, but less often.
  • Do a finger test before each watering.
  • The pineapple guava is not fertilized during the winter break.


The fruits ripen about six months after flowering, often in late autumn. They are ripe when the skin turns yellow.