You should be aware of this

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After the quinces have been carefully transported to the storage room, further details must be observed. On the one hand, these fruits should never be left to rest with other varieties. They always give off intense aromas. These are very easily transferred to other fruit. Furthermore, a precise control of the fruit for pressure points is necessary. Only quinces in top condition are suitable for storage.

also read

  • Practical information about the harvest time of the versatile quince
  • Juice quince without a juicer
  • Let quinces ripen: Of course!

Choose a location that is sure to remain frost-free. The ideal temperature for successful storage is 0 to 2 degrees Celsius. Under these circumstances, the specimens can be stored for approximately 2 to 3 months without damage. Note that modern insulated basements are not suitable for storage. In any case, the temperatures exceed the necessary requirements.


As soon as the flesh turns brown, it's time for the alarm clock. Get the fruits out of their hibernation and prepare the immediate processing before:

  • to dry up
  • awaken
  • juicing

Ripe and unripe fruits

Basically, quinces don't just need a cool, but rather an airy and dark storage location. They also need a very dry environment. They shouldn't touch each other during storage. In this way, pressure points can be avoided.

If you do not have a suitable space available, the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator is suitable for short-term accommodation. Should be longer than 14 days ripe quinces however, do not wait in it for processing. Note that only unripe fruits can be stored for a long period of time.

Tips & Tricks

Check the fruit at regular intervals. Once a week is recommended. If particularly icy nights are imminent, additional styrofoam sheets protect the fruit from frost damage.


The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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