So the perennial thrives splendidly

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Should you water ranunculus regularly?

The top priority when dealing with ranunculus is: Never let it dry out! These perennials need an evenly moist substrate. It is important to prevent drought, especially with plants in pots or pots. You should water such specimens regularly!

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Outdoor plants need to be watered regularly, especially when it is dry and in sunny places. They need the moist substrate to keep their flowering. However, the water should be able to drain well. It is essential to avoid waterlogging!

After the flowering period has come to an end, watering should be slowly reduced. The plant is thus prepared for autumn and winter. It no longer needs the water because its aboveground parts die off and it retreats into its tuber.

How do you protect young plants in winter?

Not only young ranunculus, but also generally sensitive varieties should be protected in winter:

  • Specimens sown in autumn in a pot frost-free overwinter
  • Cover the tubers outdoors with brushwood
  • in rough locations: remove tubers from the earth
  • Wintering of the tubers: in a cool, dry, airy place (e.g. B. Wooden box in the basement)

Do ranunculus need additional fertilizer?

It is not absolutely necessary in addition to ranunculus fertilize. But adding fertilizer extends the flowering time and strengthens the plants. Conventional fertilizers are suitable Flower fertilizer,(€ 71.80 at Amazon *) but also simple nettle manure. Fertilization is recommended for potted plants every 2 to 4 weeks.

Here are a few more tips on fertilizing:

  • use liquid fertilizer for potted / container plants
  • stop fertilizing in September
  • Fertilize until the leaves die
  • Like to provide outdoor plants with compost in spring

How do you cut the perennials correctly?

The ranunculus do not need to be pruned either. Only sick, dried up and faded parts (flowers and leaves) should be removed regularly. If you cut off dead flowers immediately, you can extend the flowering period because the plant no longer invests its strength in seeding.

Are buttercups attacked by diseases and pests?

Often times ranunculus due to drought and its long and debilitating Heyday weakened so much that they become more susceptible to pests. Aphids like to appear on them. Snails can also play badly with them.

Of diseases can mildew occur on the leaves in the event of drought or increased moisture over several days. Powdery mildew parts should be removed quickly cut off. Usually, however, the plant does not recover, so it should be disposed of.


The double-flowered ranunculus varieties in particular need a lot of water!

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