Maintaining the pasque flower »Watering, fertilizing, cutting & more

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Water requirement of the pasque flower

Pulsatilla doesn't like it too humid and only needs regular watering during longer dry periods. If you maintain a pasque flower in the pot, you must always water when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry.

also read

  • The pasqueflower period
  • Planting and caring for pasque flowers
  • Propagate pasque flowers yourself

Avoid waterlogging both in the bed and in the pot, as the Pasque flower is extremely sensitive to too much water.


The pasque flower is a weak eater and usually does not need any fertilizers.


Always cut off faded things the same way. As a result, Pulsatilla drives new calyxes and flowers a second time. Unlike many other perennials, the pasque flower is not cut back in autumn. The hair on the plant acts like a winter coat and protects the pasque flower from frost damage.

You can only prune the Pulsatilla close to the ground and remove the leaves from the previous year in early spring before the start of the new growing season. However, this is not absolutely necessary.

Pests and diseases

The pasque flower is one of the most robust perennials and is almost never attacked by pests or diseases. Only root rot, which often occurs with waterlogging, can damage the plant so massively that it dies.

Avoid competitive pressure

The pasque flower is not particularly assertive. If neighboring plants press the pasque flower too much, they will take care of them and eventually disappear completely. Therefore, always plant Pulsatilla with sufficient distance from other perennials. Cut them back in good time so as not to endanger the strong growth of the pasque flower.


Wild cow puffs are becoming increasingly rare and are under nature protection. For this reason, you must never transplant wild plants into the garden. Picking the pasque flower should also be for this reason and also because of the Plant toxicity remain under.

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