That's how he makes it through the cold

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The persimmon plants show depending on the variety different frost resistance. The classic one from China and Japan Persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki) needed for Fruit formation a long summer with lots of sun and little rain, as well as a mild winter like it is in Germany in wine-growing regions.

also read

  • Persimmon trees are easy on pruning
  • Variety of varieties in the persimmon trees
  • Persimmon tree in Germany

Diospyros kaki as a container plant

Due to its low winter hardiness, it is recommended to cultivate the Diospyros kaki (at least in the first 2-3 years) as a container plant. The persimmon in the bucket has several advantages:

  • easy-care,
  • not susceptible to diseases and pests,
  • can also thrive in the colder regions.

after the Persimmon loses its leaves and the fruits are harvested, it is brought to its frost-free and dark winter quarters. During hibernation, it should be watered very sparingly and not fertilized at all. Once the persimmon is established, it can be planted in the garden. In particularly severe winters, however, suitable winter protection is recommended for the planted persimmon tree.

Diospyros virginiana for outdoors

For most areas of Germany, the Diospyros kaki are not sufficiently frost-resistant. Other representatives of the genus of ebony trees, whose winter hardiness corresponds more to the climatic conditions outside of the wine-growing areas, offer a good alternative. These include some American varieties that not only impress with their frost resistance, but also with their fruit quality and size. When buying plants, pay attention to the Finishing underlay, as which Diospyros virginiana is particularly well suited.

Tips & Tricks

The American varieties of Diospyros virginiana are only as big as an apricot. In return, the plants are tolerant of frost and are productive.

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