You can do it yourself too

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Preparations for finishing

In specialist shops you can purchase special growth documents such as the M9, so that the apple tree not only has a stable substructure, but also a good supply of nutrients and water admit. As a beginner, you can also use cheaper ones for refining Seedlings use that you ideally made yourself from three or four years ago Cores have pulled. For finishing you need:

  • a suitable pad
  • At least one branch of the desired crop variety per tree
  • a clean pair of secateurs
  • Wax, raffia or plastic tape to fix the copulation

also read

  • Pruning apple tree
  • Propagate an apple tree yourself
  • Cut a young apple tree yourself

The right time

The edible veins must be obtained during the hibernation between December and March. Ideally, fall with the Winter pruning a powerful one Apple variety sufficient usable vines for the refinement. These can be cut straight off as they are for the copulation should be freshly cut at an angle anyway with the growth base. Shortly before budding in March, the Treetop

of the tree used as a base with a sloping Cut off. The edema, which is also cut at an angle, is put on and fixed accordingly. When the juice is poured in in the spring, a connection can arise between the two, although there is no one hundred percent chance of success.

Refining with a bud

As an alternative to the noble veins, buds, which are also referred to as eyes in the gardening language, can also be used for grafting. However, you should not be afraid to offer an experienced garden neighbor or someone from the regional horticultural association for practical guidance. The so-called inoculation requires a little more sensitivity than that Graft with a noble twig. The base of the bark on the bud and the base is cut in the shape of a tongue and plugged into one another.

Determine the growth form of an apple tree with the refinement level

Even with purchased apple trees, the amount of refinement carried out is usually clearly visible. A thickening on the trunk usually indicates whether it is one Half-stem or one High trunk acts. If the thickening is to be found near the ground or is not visible and the tree branches start very deep, the specimen is called a bush. Even if you try to refine an apple tree with a variety of your choice with the help of instructions, you can do the Height regulate by adjusting the amount of finishing on the document determine.

Tips & Tricks

With a trick you can pull wild Seedlings and purchased apple trees ensure that the tree becomes a quasi self-pollinating specimen: You can refine one or more pollinator varieties at the same time on vital apple trees and so too several Apple varieties from a tree to harvest.