Cultivate daisies in a pot

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Buy daisies in pots

Many sorts of the daisy, such as the filled “Roggli red”, can be bought directly in the pot. Unfortunately, they don't last very long in a well-heated apartment, because you prefer it a little cooler. Temperatures around 18 ° C are ideal. It is better to place your Bellis perennis in a cooler room or even on the balcony.

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Often the pots of the daisies you buy are relatively small. This is a great relief for the retail sector because it means that less space is required. If you want to continue to cultivate the Bellis perennis in a pot, then repot the plants in a larger pot. Replace the used one at the same time Potting soil against new ones. You may also add a little well-rotted compost.

Plant daisies in the pot

You can put daisies or plants from the garden in the pot or yourself Balcony box transplant. Transplanting is practically possible all year round. Since the nutrients in vessels are always limited, you should support your daisies with a little fertilizer during flowering. It is best to give them a dose of compost when they are repotting.

Sow daisies in a pot

However, daisies do not like acidic soil. Sprinkle that Seeds on Potting soil or a mixture of earth and sand. Cover the seeds or only lightly with soil, because the daisy is a light germinator.

Keep the seeds and later the seedlings moist. You can also cover the nursery pot with clear foil or a glass plate until the seeds germinate. That happens about two to three weeks after the sowing.

Tips for planting in a pot:

  • Do not choose a location that is too warm
  • Possibly fertilize the plants a little
  • Transplanting practically possible at any time
  • Do not choose a pot that is too small

Tips & Tricks

Bellis perennis are ideal as small souvenirs. If you want them to last a long time, the pot must not be too small.

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