These measures are useful

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Weather protection

Insect hotels are often made of wood. If it is in a rather unfavorable location, it is very susceptible to mold growth. This is mainly caused by moisture. Of course, insects no longer feel comfortable under these circumstances. The rot is detrimental to the health of the brood. So take care of your Insect hotel(€ 11.33 at Amazon *) to be placed in a protected place.
However, you are not allowed to move the shelter even in winter. A change in temperature signaled the beginning of spring to the residents. The animals then become active at an early stage. However, the food supply is still too low to ensure the survival of the weakened animals.

also read

  • Equip the insect hotel appropriately
  • Drilling holes for the insect hotel - instructions and tips
  • These tips will make your insect hotel even more effective


You can also impregnate the wood as a preventive measure. Actually, a platina forms naturally. However, this also causes the material to turn gray. To keep the look of your insect hotel, you can apply a layer of beeswax. Lacquer that you use for garden furniture is unsuitable. Insects shy away from the artificial smell.


You should also visit your insect hotel once a year clean. Intervene as little as possible in the existing ecosystem.

filling material

Filling material should only be stolen or replaced if

  • it has not been inhabited for several months.
  • mold forms.
  • You are sure that the brood has long since flown out.
  • Spiders have spun their webs over tenons and clay bricks.

Filling material often falls out of the compartments or is picked up by birds. In this case, you should replenish the insect hotel with fresh equipment.

Cleaning products

Only clean your insect hotel with water. Chemical agents and aggressive cleaners drive away the residents and do not belong in an ecological garden.

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