Insect hotel on the balcony

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Do the insects sting?

As long as you do not threaten the insects, for example by lighting an open fire or damaging the brood, the inhabitants behave very peacefully. It is easily possible to live "door to door" with the insects.

also read

  • These tips will make your insect hotel even more effective
  • Insects love the sun: set up an insect hotel
  • Build an insect hotel out of a wagon wheel

When can an insect hotel on the balcony be dangerous?

Especially if your Insect hotel(€ 11.33 at Amazon *) is on the balcony, you have to expect that an animal often gets lost through an open window into the apartment. In some cases this can be dangerous, for example when

  • You are allergic to insect bites.
  • Small children or pets live in your household.
  • Standing around open food (risk of swallowing by insects).

However, it must be clear to you that you will have to do without the coffee table on the balcony. Above all Wasps will join you at the table.

Place insect hotel on the balcony

Small versions of an insect hotel are recommended for balconies. Why don't you build a shelter out of one Clay pot.


The approach path of the insect hotel shows best to the south to the sun. Insects love it warm and bright.

Hang it up or screw it on?

If you want an insect hotel out of a Can build, usually do not set it up, but rather hang it on a string. Make sure that the shelter doesn't rock too much in the wind. Better nail the insect hotel to the wall.

Combine cleverly

By your Flower boxes(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) Planting nectar-rich flowers on the balcony also provides the residents with a source of food. This increases the biodiversity considerably.

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