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Evergreen honeysuckle species are the first choice

Especially evergreen species and above all the well-known evergreen honeysuckle are suitable for keeping in buckets. They are pretty to look at all year round. The foliage remains dark green and shiny even through winter. The privacy screen is guaranteed if the location was not chosen disadvantageously ...

also read

  • Planting the honeysuckle: how to do it right!
  • Which location is ideal for the honeysuckle?
  • The honeysuckle - features of this climber

Find a suitable location

For this Climbing plant a bright place should be chosen. But bright does not necessarily mean full sun. A location on a south-facing balcony is absolutely unsuitable for a honeysuckle in a bucket. Likewise, a place in the apartment next to the heater, on the window sill and in a location exposed to the merciless midday sun is inappropriate.

East and west sides of the house, for example on the terrace wall, are well suited. If necessary, north sides are also suitable. However, it should not be too dark, otherwise the honeysuckle will quickly become bald. High humidity is also advantageous.

The bucket and the substrate

These aspects are extremely important if you want to enjoy your honeysuckle for a long time:

  • Buckets with a minimum capacity of 10 liters
  • Bucket with a minimum depth of 40 cm
  • shady position of the bucket at the site
  • Create a drainage layer e.g. B. made of gravel or sand
  • Choose nutrient-rich, air-permeable, humus-rich soil

Indispensable: a suitable trellis

In the bucket, a honeysuckle must be offered a trellis such as grids, wire ropes, rods or similar objects. It needs this in order to be able to pull itself up, as it does not have adhesive roots like ivy.

Now it comes down to care!

Last but not least is the care decisive:

  • Pouring is the be-all and end-all
  • water also in winter time
  • fertilize once a month between March and June
  • use liquid fertilizer for fertilization
  • Use fertilizer sparingly
  • wrap in sacks or fleece in winter
  • Put smaller plants in in winter
  • in the spring - if necessary - cut

Tips & Tricks

Place your honeysuckle in the bucket at a distance of 5 cm from the house wall!

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