So it thrives splendidly

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How often do pear trees have to be watered?

Pear trees need a moist location without waterlogging. If the soil is dry, then especially young trees need to be watered in a timely manner.

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  • Growing a pear tree yourself - this is how you grow your own tree
  • What does a pear tree cost and what is the price based on?
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How are pear trees fertilized?

If the soil in the planting hole has been improved in advance with ripe compost or manure, the pear tree hardly needs any more fertilizer. If necessary, some ripe compost can be scattered from time to time.

A mulch blanket is helpful. Not only does it prevent it from drying out, it also supplies the tree with nutrients. If you buy fruit fertilizers, you should pay attention to low-nitrogen varieties.

Do pear trees need to be pruned?

A summer pruning follows after flowering. Spring or autumn is time for a topiary. At the Cutting pear tree dried and dead branches are also removed.

Does the pear tree need winter protection?

Winter protection is not necessary.

Which diseases can occur?

Pear trees are susceptible to various Diseases and mushrooms. This includes:

  • Pear scab
  • Fire blight
  • Pear grate
  • Monilia
  • mildew

Most often occurs Pear grate on. It is shown by orange spots on the leaves. Resistant Pear varieties does not exist yet. If the infestation is very strong, several times will help Syringes against the pathogen.

When infected by fire blight, the leaves wither and turn black. This disease must be reported to the horticultural authority.

In general, it can be said that a slight infestation of disease hardly damages the tree. You only need to intervene if the infestation is severe. As a preventive measure, you should not compost the leaves, but burn them or send them to the garbage disposal. Falling fruit mummies must be picked up and disposed of as well.

Which pests need to be watched out for?

Pear leaf suckers are fleas that suck out the leaves and then coat them with a fungus. The pear gall gnat bores itself into the fruit and makes it cripple and in front of the Harvest time falling down. Injections can also be helpful here.

The roots of the pear tree are endangered by voles. Voles should therefore be driven away. Of the Root ball Young trees can be protected from damage by rodents by a basket made of fine-meshed wire.

The pear tree is not bearing, why is that?

There are a number of ways why a pear tree won't bear. Some varieties only bloom every other year. Mistakes in care and pruning can prevent flowering. Extreme drought causes the flower to fail. In some years, frost breaks during the flowering period destroy the flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Pear trees need more care than apple trees, for example. Provide a good location and water the tree sufficiently. Check the leaves and trunk regularly for spots. You should pay particular attention to the underside of the leaves.

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