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Conditions for a rich raspberry harvest

Although raspberries are generally referred to as undemanding gardeners, you should plant the shrubs in a suitable location.

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Only when the fruits receive enough sun they become big and get the typically sweet raspberry aroma.

You create the best conditions through:

  • Sunny place
  • Windbreak
  • Loosen up floor without condensation
  • Nutrient-rich soil
  • Uniform moisture
  • Avoidance of waterlogging
  • Regular weeding

Above all, a loose soil is important. The rain or irrigation water must be able to run off well. Otherwise waterlogging occurs.

If there is waterlogging, there is a risk that the bushes will stick to the Root rot get sick. This is a fungal disease that is favored by dammed moisture.

Weeds under the bushes should be removed. Cover the bottom with a Mulch coverthat prevents weeds from emerging.

Keep a distance to other berry plants

Raspberries like to be among themselves. They are not suitable as a mixed culture.

Plant raspberries never in close proximity to other berry bushes. The bushes compete for space and deprive each other of necessary nutrients.

Choose a location where no other berries have grown in previous years. You should only plant raspberries again after several years.

Tips & Tricks

Choosing the right location doesn't just make you richer harvest. They also protect your raspberries from raspberry beetle infestation. This pest particularly likes to attack raspberries that grow in shady places.