Identify and treat the 3 most common diseases

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The three most common diseases of the plane tree

  • Leaf tan
  • Massaria disease
  • Plane tree wilt

Leaf tan

The disease, which is caused by the fungus Apiognomonia veneta, affects the maple-leaved plane tree but also others Sycamore species. It occurs particularly frequently in a spring with a lot of precipitation. It can leaves, Shoots and bark to be affected. This is what the typical damage pattern looks like:

  • the first generation of leaves shows brown spots
  • they are irregularly shaped, jagged
  • begin at the base of the leaf and develop along the main veins
  • diseased leaves are shed early
  • young shoots can wither
  • bark necrosis occurs (death of affected areas)

also read

  • Sycamore - interesting facts about the tree
  • Sycamore - that's why it loses its bark
  • Planting plane trees - timing, location and instructions

Leaf tanning usually only affects the first generation of leaves; regrowing leaves remain healthy. That is why this fungal disease is not threatening to exist. But if it occurs several times in a row, the tree loses more and more fine branches. Since no remedy is permitted for the home garden, affected branches are removed and disposed of.


Massaria disease

dryness and heat favor this fungal disease, especially plane trees from a medium-sized age infested. These are the main symptoms:

  • The cattle turn pink to reddish in color and die
  • in the following year they appear blackened by dark spores
  • plane loses bark
  • the canopy becomes thinner
  • the infected wood rots
  • affected branches can break off within a few months

Larger branches do not die off completely, only on one side. Since it is usually the difficult to see upper side, there is a risk of overlooking the infestation if no specific research is carried out.


Larger, infested branches should be treated as soon as possible saw off, because if they break inevitably, they can damage things or even injure people. The material may be shredded and composted or burned.

Plane tree wilt (sycamore shrimp)

This Fungal attack cannot be fought, it is fatal. The death of the tree, which occurs around 4-5 years after infection, should not be waited for. the Sycamore tree in the garden must be felled and disposed of together with the root stock or to be burned. The first signs of illness are:

  • a weaker leafy crown
  • yellowish discolored leaves
  • dying branches
  • sunken, discolored areas of bark