How to ensure clean water

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Whether frosty or mild, every winter leaves its unmistakable traces in the natural pool, so cleaning the swimming pond is hip at the start of spring. On the bottom of the pool, a mixture of plant residues, leaves and leaves is clearly visible, primarily in the deep water of the swimming pond mud on, most effectively with a Pond sludge sucker is eliminated.

also read

  • Algae in the swimming pond: Is it too green in the swimming pond?
  • Winter swimming in the heated swimming pond?
  • Swimming with fish in the swimming pond?

Start the water cycle

You should go to work generously with the skimming off of water that contains a lot of sediment, as it contains a lot of nutrients and therefore causes the rapid formation of new algae. Just like the pool water from an outsourced floor filter of the system (suck it off completely here!), It should be on Derived from the lawn or garden beds, where it is an excellent natural fertilizer for flowers and vegetables is.

Cleaning of the regeneration zones with pruning

Depending on the size, a thorough cleaning of the swimming pond can lower the water level by 30 to 40 cm, so that the plants on the edge of the system can now be better reached. In the area that has been drained in this way, the strong roots and reed plants can now be easily cut back. Remove settled leaves or dead plant residues instead of using Rake or raking, better to protect the plants with a leaf blower, so that the roots and leaves of the neighboring smaller pond plants are not damaged.

Check the water when cleaning the swimming pond

After the sediments and the deep water have been removed, it is advisable to carry out a careful water analysis and, in particular, to check the phosphate and nitrate values. That doesn't just help them Pond plants and keeps the algae formation within limits, but is also much healthier for the bathers. Here are the most important water values ​​for a temperature range between 4 and 30 ° C (16 to 26 ° C in summer and 4 to 14 ° C in winter) in short:

  • Acidity: pH 6.5 to 8.5 (optimally 7 to 8)
  • Total hardness (GH): 8 to 25 ° d (optimally 12 to 18)
  • Carbon hardness (KH): 6 to 18 ° d (optimally 10 to 14)
  • Nitrite (NO2): maximum 0.2 mg / l (optimal <0.1)
  • Nitrate (NO3): maximum 50 mg / l (optimally <25)
  • Ammonia / ammonium (NH4 or NH3): maximum 0.5 mg / l (optimal <0.1)
  • Oxygen (O): 5 to 10 mg / l
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2): maximum 30 mg / l (optimally <20)


Before refilling, be sure to check your drinking water for the above guidelines. The drinking water supply companies sometimes change the origin of the wells so that the Water values can fluctuate.