The most important planting and care tips

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Planting time and site conditions

If you want to plant a service tree in your garden, ideally you should do so in the fall. The winter moisture enables the young plant to optimally close to the soil and the activity of the roots in the service tree begins as early as March.

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Seedlings in the form of container plants with a small ball are particularly recommended for planting in gardens.
A warm soil with a high lime content offers ideal conditions for the service tree.
You should absolutely avoid waterlogging with the young plants.

The adequate planting of service sparrows

To plant a service tree, dig a planting hole three times the size of the ball diameter, put the seedling in it and then fill the hole with a good one Compost soil. After the seedlings have been planted, it is imperative that they be watered generously.

As a fast-growing plant, the service tree needs a supporting pole, for example a strong bamboo stick, for its still weak shoot. The rod prevents the seedling from twisting due to weather conditions such as wind and provides stability.

Protection against pests

In order to protect the sensitive roots and the foliage of the service from being eaten by mice and other rodents, browsing protection is suitable. In the underground, put a small wire basket with a size of 30 x 40 cm and a mesh size of 11 mm in the dug hole. The seedling can then be placed in the basket. To protect against browsing, attach about 1 m high and about 30 cm wide spirals made of rabbit wire to the support post.

Care tips and prophylaxis

The service tree is still quite sensitive when it is growing, so it should be watered regularly in the year of planting and the following year. Also remove shrubs, herbs and other plants growing in the immediate vicinity, as these can hinder the service tree in its growth.

Like many representatives of the rose family, Sorbus domestica is susceptible to scab, but also to bark cancer.

A broad spectrum fungicide used regularly in the first years of growth can help against fungal infections.

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