Instructions for proper planning and execution

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the essentials in brief

  • Vegetables need sun to thrive; sunny to semi-sunny locations are therefore ideal
  • You should take half an hour per 10 square meters Gardening count per week
  • the soil should be loose and rich in nutrients
  • A planting plan is important to mixed culture as well Crop rotation to be observed

You don't need an ominous “green thumb” to garden successfully. Enthusiasm, care and attention are sufficient.

also read

  • Plan optimally in the vegetable garden with a cultivation plan
  • This is how you plan your vegetable garden - effectively for a higher yield
  • Properly caring for the vegetable garden in August: this must be done now

Creating a vegetable garden for beginners

Unfortunately, it is not enough to just dig up a piece of the garden and plant vegetables on it; It doesn't matter whether you just want to create a vegetable patch or a large kitchen garden. In order for zucchini, tomatoes and co. To grow optimally and to produce lots of delicious fruit, they need the right conditions for their growth. You can create this by carefully planning your future vegetable garden and choosing the optimal location. The following chapters show you how this works and what you have to pay attention to.

The following short video also provides great tips for simply creating and planting the vegetable patches:



The gardener understands the term “location” primarily to mean the lighting conditions in the space provided for the vegetable patch. A rough distinction is made between:

  • Full sun: the sun shines unhindered on the bed for at least six hours every day
  • Sunny: Duration of sunshine at least four hours a day
  • Negative: bright, but not directly sunny
  • Partial shade: Duration of sunshine up to four hours a day, especially in the morning or evening
  • Light shady: Bed is shaded from time to time
  • Full shade: Bed is permanently in the shade

Locations that are partially shaded to sunny are ideal for a kitchen garden. Full sun beds are only suitable for vegetables that need a lot of warmth such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. and there is also the risk that the plants in them will dry out quickly, especially on hot days.

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Vegetables need a lot of sun to thrive

Sunny to partially shaded locations, on the other hand, offer the best conditions for most vegetables and herbs, especially if the beds are shaded over the hot lunchtime. Light, shady beds, on the other hand, are only suitable for a few crops, as the light intensity required for fruit development and ripening is often not achieved here. For this reason, you should never create vegetable patches under trees or similar places.

Which plants for which location?

The table below gives you a handy overview of the optimal location for some of the most popular vegetables.

Sunny Partly to light shade
Eggplant Asian salads (Pak Choi, Mizuna)
Beans Leaf salads, plucked and cut salads, cauliflower, broccoli
chili Lamb's lettuce
Cucumber Garden cress, kale
potatoes Garlic, kohlrabi, leek
Melons, carrots Swiss chard and other leaf stalk vegetables (e.g. B. Turnip stalk), parsnips
paprika sorrel, Spinach
radish Radish, rhubarb, beetroot, Brussels sprouts arugula
tomatoes White cabbage and other types of cabbage
Zucchini, sweet peas Onions

Size and time required

This point is especially important and worth considering for gardeners new to gardening, because the daily workload of a large kitchen garden is often greatly underestimated. Keep in mind that such a garden requires a lot of planning, maintenance and physical effort - and accordingly you need to have both the necessary fitness and the time for it. Digging up vegetable patches is exhausting, but planting and weeding can quickly hurt your back.

So consider

  • What to do with your vegetable garden: Are you planning a self-sufficient garden because you no longer want to buy vegetables in the supermarket or do you just want to grow a few special species? Or even start your own breeding of old vegetables?
  • How much time you can spare: For every ten square meters of garden you should have approx. Schedule half an hour of work. For a kitchen garden of around 400 square meters, this results in a total of around 20 hours - which also extends to almost every day of the week, including the weekend.
  • How your physical fitness is doing: A vegetable garden not only needs time, but also physical effort. If you have problems with your back and / or your knees, raised beds are recommended instead of the classic garden beds.


How big does a self-sufficient garden have to be?

If you want to provide your family with fresh vegetables from your own garden, plan at least 20 square meters for each person who eats. For a family of four, such a kitchen garden should be 80 square meters, not including the area for fruit trees. If you also want to harvest apples and berries, another 20 square meters of space is required.

Soil condition

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Most plants prefer loose, nutrient-rich soil

Most crops have a medium to high nutrient requirement and therefore prefer a humus rich, nutrient-rich soil. This should also be loose and deep so that roots and vegetables growing underground have enough space to grow. Firm, loamy soils, on the other hand, tend to become waterlogged and are therefore less suitable. However, like poor soil, they can be upgraded with appropriate measures. This includes, for example, the creation of a drainage system and the introduction of Compost soil or good Topsoil.

Create a vegetable garden in the new development area

Such a soil revaluation is of great importance especially in new development areas, after all, the soils here are heavily compacted by the use of heavy machinery and have to be loosened. Sometimes it may also be necessary to remove the upper layers of the earth and add fresh ones Mother Earth to fill up again - the remains of various building materials, especially calcareous ones, are quickly deposited in the ground and upset the acid-base balance there. Basically, the soil in a vegetable garden should have a pH value that is as neutral to slightly alkaline as possible, so that the plants can optimally absorb nutrients and moisture. Also make sure that some plants do not tolerate lime and only a few species feel comfortable in acidic soils.

Create beds and paths

Vegetable plants grow in specially created beds, which are usually rectangular. Narrow paths run between the beds that ensure access to the overgrown areas - after all, the plants need to be cared for and tended so that you can enjoy an abundant harvest later can look forward to. With regard to the size and length of the beds, there are certain guidelines that should make it easier for you to work on the areas:

  • Vegetable beds should not be wider than 120 centimeters
  • this makes it easier to maintain and harvest the areas, as you can get anywhere without any problems
  • small people should reduce the bed width again
  • the length of the beds, on the other hand, is entirely up to your own wishes and the available space
  • However, a uniform size of all vegetable patches makes sense
  • this also facilitates planting planning in the later years
  • a good bed size is six square meters (1.20 meters wide x 5 meters long)
  • 25 such beds plus paths fit into a 150 square meter vegetable garden

The paths divide the bed areas evenly into segments, with the side paths remaining quite narrow with a width of around 60 centimeters. The main paths should be planned and paved a little wider at around one meter so that you can use them with a wheelbarrow can comfortably commit.


Never plant the vegetables directly on a hedge, because the shadows cast and the competition for water and nutrients will mean that they will not grow well here. Instead, create a path between the bed and the hedge, also because you have to reach the hedge easily for pruning anyway.

Create a composting place

Compost is indispensable for every vegetable garden, after all the plants need a lot of nutrients for their growth and the development of their fruits. With your own compost heap, you provide valuable, biological fertilizer and at the same time feed organic waste back into the natural cycle. A win-win situation for both you and nature. The following tips are useful when planning the composting site:

  • not too small: Space for at least three sufficiently large compost bins is required
  • easily accessible: Composting place should be easily accessible from the main path
  • shady: it is best to place the composting area in the shade of a large tree so that it does not dry out too quickly during the hot summer months
  • a little away from the vegetable patches: place the compost on the north side of the kitchen garden so that the containers do not cast any shade on the beds

Do not seal the subsoil of the composting area, as earthworms and other soil organisms are responsible for decomposing the material and converting it into humus are essential. These penetrate the compost through the soil.


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Drip irrigation saves labor and water

Irrigation is essential for the vegetable garden, since without an adequate supply of water all plants will perish. Insufficient irrigation also ensures that the fruits stay small and the harvest is correspondingly puny. If you don't want to constantly haul heavy watering cans, you can lay special irrigation systems in the garden. These are usually connected to the main water pipe (if one is available) and run underground next to the main paths. It is best to lay out the selected system at the same time as the beds and paths in order to save yourself multiple work.

Create a planting plan

So that you can make optimal use of the existing bedding area throughout the season, you should use all beds and Draw paths in a plan and determine when and where which vegetables should be planted or sown. The following tips will help you with this:

  • Mixed culture: Do not plant monocultures in the garden, but combine different vegetable plants in one bed. This is good for plant health, because it means that pests and pathogens have little chance of spreading. Note, however, that not all types of plants get along well. Mixed culture tables give you a good overview of who fits together and who doesn't.
  • Follow-up culture: The different types of vegetables grow at very different times. While some ripen at the beginning of the year, others are only put into the bed in summer. With a so-called follow-up crop, you can use the vegetable patch all year round, for example by planting spinach and radishes in spring and zucchini on top in summer. But here, too, the following applies: Some plant species do not get along, which is why vegetables from the same plant family cannot follow one another.
  • Nutritional requirements: Divide your beds into three sections, in which you cultivate high-consumption, medium-consumption and low-consumption separately and change the beds for each growing season. In this way, the soil does not leach out excessively, but can instead recover from time to time.

A practical example of a successful mixed and subsequent culture with Phacelia as Green manure can be found in this illustration:

Creating a vegetable garden - examples and ideas

No question about it: simple, rectangular vegetable patches with side paths and a well-paved main path can be easily planted and cared for. This traditional shape has long since proven itself and is still used today - it is especially pretty, when the individual beds are surrounded by low box hedges, as has always been done in traditional cottage gardens will. But also herbs and low perennials (e.g. lavender, marigolds, Tagetes etc.) are very suitable for an enclosure.

If that is too boring for you, the vegetable beds can also be round, oval, triangular or in other shapes or use systems such as hill beds, straw beds or layered beds. Modern raised beds or lower box beds, for example, are good and practical, especially for small gardens. Vegetable beds can also be placed in tractor tires and other unusual enclosures.

Kitchen garden or mixed beds?

Nasturtiums, Marigolds, marigolds, lavender and other flowers not only look pretty, but also provide valuable protection for the vegetable plants in the kitchen garden: Lavender, for example, reliably keeps aphids away, and nasturtiums also drives away various common garden pests - and is also a valuable one Snail lure plant. The voracious reptiles are fond of the bushy growing nasturtiums and leave their vegetables alone. Tagetes - the marigold - is also an effective distraction food and at the same time keeps flies and even voles away. You should therefore not only plant useful plants in your vegetable garden, but also various (supposed) ornamental plants.

frequently asked Questions

When is the planting time for vegetables?

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If you want to harvest early, you should prefer cold-sensitive plants in the warm

When to plant or sow the different vegetables depends on various factors. One of the most important is the plants' natural resistance to cold: some plants are already thriving in early spring or even in late autumn, while others are only allowed in after the last late frosts Bed. The information on the seed sachets or on the labels of purchased young plants.

Which vegetables and herbs can be grown on the balcony?

If you only have a small garden or even a balcony or terrace, you don't have to do without your own garden. Almost all vegetables and herbs can be grown in buckets, pots, boxes and other vessels, but they require a lot of attention. Regular watering and Fertilize is immensely important because the plants cannot take care of themselves. The cultivation of irrigation-intensive and very large vegetables such as zucchini can therefore be difficult - but not impossible.

Which vegetables are suitable for children?

All fast-growing snack vegetables such as radishes, carrots, sugar peas etc. are suitable for children. very good, as the little ones have quick successes and can eat the harvested vegetables right there and then.

Which plants keep pests away?

Not only do some flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums and the like keep pests away from the vegetable patch, too Allium plants such as onions, garlic and leeks affect uninvited visitors as well as many pathogens deterrent. Note, however, that onions and garlic do not go well with some other vegetables and should therefore not be planted together.


Write down from the beginning which vegetables you planted in which bed and when. In this way you have a better overview and can plan the crop rotation more easily for the next few years.

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