What are runners and stolons?

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Some runners literally crawl under or above the ground, other runners are elongated side shoots that start from the base of the stem or from the leaf rosette. Some runners also start from the root neck.

Which plants form runners?

  • Bindweed and couch grass - both weeds, which make it very difficult to banish them from the garden due to the foothills. The smallest remnant of roots produces a new plant.
  • Mint - actually very popular in the garden until it appears everywhere and can no longer be narrowed down.
  • Goldfelberich - grateful and permanently blooming garden plant, also snail-resistant, but spreads rapidly and grows into everything that is planted around it
  • Snowflake - similar to Goldfelberich
  • Goldenrod - not all species have strong runners, but they are numerous
  • Bamboo - the classic among usurers. However, you have to differentiate between them. There are clump-forming (Fargesia and Borinda) and runners (Phyllostachys). Fargesia does not shoot, is completely harmless.
  • Some ferns - form short runners and multiply like carpets all over the garden.
  • Goose weed; Sempervivum, thyme; Valerian; Lovage, shade green,
  • Ranunculus - is often used as a flower hedge, but it spreads quickly
  • Alba roses - these white peasant roses (also pastel colors) are quite old and have a particularly good smell. They tend to form runners.

When the plants reproduce too much due to runners

If the plants are spreading all over the garden, good advice is often expensive. For some it gets really bad. Removing bamboo is a feat of strength and often unsuccessful. If a corner of the root is left somewhere, a new plant will grow out of it. Only a root barrier can help here. This must be introduced when planting and be very stable. The foothills of bamboo pierce even the thickest pond liner. You shouldn't save at the wrong end and you should buy a real rhizome barrier. Mint also has the property of spreading like a fire. That is why they should also be cultivated in pots and containers. If you love tidiness in the garden and don't want to leave pots standing around, you can also put them in the bed and dig them in. So the foothills can be kept within limits


Which plants form runners?

  • Bindweed and couch grass - both weeds, which make it very difficult to banish them from the garden due to the foothills. The smallest remnant of roots produces a new plant.
  • Mint - actually very popular in the garden until it appears everywhere and can no longer be narrowed down.
  • Goldfelberich - grateful and permanently blooming garden plant, also snail-resistant, but spreads rapidly and grows into everything that is planted around it
  • Snowflake - similar to Goldfelberich
  • Goldenrod - not all species have strong runners, but they are numerous
  • Bamboo - the classic among usurers. However, you have to differentiate between them. There are clump-forming (Fargesia and Borinda) and runners (Phyllostachys). Fargesia does not shoot, is completely harmless.
  • Some ferns - form short runners and multiply like carpets all over the garden.
  • Goose weed; Sempervivum, thyme; Valerian; Lovage, shade green,
  • Ranunculus - is often used as a flower hedge, but it spreads quickly
  • Alba roses - these white peasant roses (also pastel colors) are quite old and have a particularly good smell. They tend to form runners.

When the plants reproduce too much due to runners

If the plants are spreading all over the garden, good advice is often expensive. For some it gets really bad. Removing bamboo is a feat of strength and often unsuccessful. If a corner of the root is left somewhere, a new plant will grow out of it. Only a root barrier can help here. This must be introduced when planting and be very stable. The foothills of bamboo pierce even the thickest pond liner. You can

don't skimp on the wrong end and should buy a proper rhizome lock. Mint also has the property of spreading like a fire. That is why they should also be cultivated in pots and containers. If you love tidiness in the garden and don't want to leave pots standing around, you can also put them in the bed and dig them in. So the foothills can be kept within limits.

What are runners used for?

Runners serve - however and wherever they grow - the vegetative, i.e. the asexual reproduction of a plant. Runners are a type of blastochoria. You have so-called nodes. Roots, but also shoots that grow upright, can develop on these.
The connecting rungs then die off. Strawberries, for example, have runners. It should be mentioned that monthly strawberries do not form runners. With the monthly strawberries you have to grow the strawberries from the seed year after year. In spring these are then planted out as young plants.
The young plants of garden strawberries, on the other hand, are grown from foothills. If plants have too few runners, some will certainly appear on the mother plant in the summer months. New plants can then be grown from these without any problems.
Basically, runners should only be removed from really strong plant specimens. You should not remove more than two, or at most three, shoots from each mother plant. The other runners are simply cut off.
You can also cut off runners in September by digging up the plant. So-called sprout tubers, i.e. thickenings, can also form from runners. An example of this is the potato.

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