Floating Plants CareGarden Pond

Planting a water jug ​​in the pond: instructions

With unorthodox growth, the water jug ​​is a headache for home gardeners when planting in the garden pond. Leaves and flowers are enthroned above ground on flowing, meter-long stems. Below the surface of the water, the floating leaf plant is partly rooted in the pond floor. These instructions explain in a practical way how to properly plant your local aquatic plants. A detailed guide highlights the exemplary care from A-Z.useful informationWith shiny green, round leaves and bright yellow flow...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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Floating Plants CareGarden Pond

Shell flower, water salad: care from A-Z

The culture of the mussel flower is comparatively easy if you pay attention to a few points. From wintering to locations and propagation, you will get important tips here.LocationThe water salad is a floating plant that comes from the tropics. It therefore needs sufficient light and heat in both the pond and the aquarium. The plants do not get constant water movements. It should therefore not be used near the pump or on a stream.AquariumsOptimal temperatures and conditions exist in the aquari...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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