ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Harvest ornamental quinces: harvest time for pseudo quinces

table of contentsHarvest timeRecognize harvest maturityharveststorageOrnamental quinces (Chaenomeles) are usually only grown because of their attractive flowers. Many gardeners do not even know that the fruits are edible. The right harvest time for the quince is important for the aromatic taste.Harvest timeThe Chinese and Japanese ornamental quince, also called "Nordic lemon", develops after the fertilization of the flowers about five centimeters to tennis ball-sized false fruits. It is one o...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoods

Is thyme hardy? How to properly overwinter it

table of contentsWinter-resistant varietiesFrost-sensitive varietiesWinter protectionIn the fieldOverwinterIn the bucketIn the houseThyme is a popular addition to the herb garden - but is it also hardy? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, because breeding and variety determine how the plant reacts to freezing temperatures. When wintering, you must therefore pay attention to a few factors. Especially if the plant is to remain outdoors. The climate and the vari...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoods

Is the lucky chestnut poisonous for humans and animals?

table of contentsLucky ChestnutToxicityToddlersPetsReptilesedibilityFor quick readersthe Lucky Chestnut is a popular ornamental plant for the home - because of its enormous ease of care and its beautiful appearance. But what about the compatibility of Pachira aquatica? Is it poisonous for humans and animals or not? The article examines this question in detail.Lucky ChestnutThe long, five-fingered leaves of the lucky chestnut, which with a little imagination look like deep green hands, are par...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Remove elderberry: six remedies for the elderberry bush

table of contentsElderberry grows everywhereSaw off the bushPond liner & CoUse of a stump grinder helpfulDigging out most successful methodTree stump ex and root away granulesGlyphosate extremely questionableElderberry (Sambucus) has been known as a remedy for many centuries. Its berries are extremely rich in vitamins and therefore very healthy. The elderberry bush also played a major role in human mythology and superstition. Once you have it in the garden, you must be careful that the el...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Is Ficus Poisonous? Information on 10 types such as 'Ginseng', Lyrata & Co

table of contentsIs Ficus Poisonous?Toxic ingredientsSymptoms of intoxicationGreen-leaved ficus speciesSpecies with monochrome and multicolored foliageThe genus Ficus comprises more than 800 species, from ground cover to climbing and hanging specimens to trees. Some of them are classics among indoor plants thanks to their appearance and unpretentiousness. Probably the most famous representative is Ficus Benjamini. But the others also have a high ornamental value, be it due to the growth habit...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

Is the weigela poisonous? Advice for children and pets

table of contentsToxicityPoisonous effectLikelihood of confusionDeadly nightshadeEffect on animalsAsian, especially Japanese, ornamental shrubs have been popular with gardeners from all over the world for centuries because of their beauty and growth. These also include the Weigelia (bot. Weigelia), which fascinate children and adults alike with their splendor and the clearly recognizable calyxes. Each of the ten weigela species forms fruits in addition to the picturesque flowers. These berrie...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Is the crabapple poisonous? Information for children and pets

table of contentsedibilityToxicityFor childrenFor petsThe crabapple belongs to the genus of apples, which bears the botanical name Malus. This genus includes many splendid varieties, which are closely related to the well-known cultivated apple. Therefore, the crabapple does not pose a health risk, its varieties are neither poisonous for adults, nor for children and animals. However, ornamental apples that have fallen down and are already fermenting should be removed, as these are eaten inadve...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoods

Is the rubber tree (Ficus elastica) poisonous? Information for children and animals

table of contentsToxicitySymptoms of poisoningToddlersPetspreventionFirst aidIt is robust, easy to care for and is one of the classics Houseplants: The rubber tree, which is also known under the botanical name Ficus elastica, is valued by plant lovers all over the world. However, its leaves contain a slightly toxic juice that can be harmful to health. For this reason, rubber trees should be kept out of the reach of small children and pets.ToxicityHow poisonous is the rubber tree?The leaves of...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoodsHydrangeas

Cutting hydrangeas in spring: 6 tips

table of contentsNote the cutting groupCut cutting group 1 a littleCut cutting group 2 more heavilyBody section not fundamentalUse good quality toolsAvoid cutting errorsfrequently asked Questions Hydrangeas inspire with a long flowering time and impressive flowers that are an ornament even in winter. These attractive permanent bloomers are particularly easy to care for, but many hobby gardeners are unsure about the cut. Please note this if you want to cut hydrangeas in spring.In a nutshellTim...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

Red Japanese maple turns green: what will help now

table of contentsGreen leaves are not uncommonCauses and remediesUnfavorable site conditionsToo high pHToo nitrogenous fertilizationfrequently asked QuestionsJapanese maple is known for its colorful foliage in different shades of red and its filigree leaf shapes. These pretty shrubs or small trees are real gems. But why do the red leaves on the maple sometimes turn green?In a nutshellnot all species have permanent red leavessome only red when budding or in autumnLeaves green for the rest of t...

  • 03-Dec-2021
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