ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

Differentiating black locust and acacia: 5 differences explained

table of contentsDistinguish black locust and acaciadifferencesgrowthbarkleavesblossomfruitSilver acaciaRobinia and acacia are often confused with one another. The reason for this is often due to the fact that the black locust is also known colloquially as the sham acacia, which suggests that the two plants are closely related. But this is a fallacy. Although the two types of plants look similar at first glance, various differences can be made out that help to differentiate between black locu...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesLilacGarden PlantsWoods

Cutting the butterfly bush: Instructions in 6 steps

table of contentsCut the butterfly bushCutting the butterfly bush: instructionsUpbringingConservation cutClearance cutTaper cutRemove frost damageDisease cutThe summer resp. Butterfly lilac, botanically Buddleja davidii, is extremely popular in this country because it grows in summer forms beautiful panicle blossoms and, as the name suggests, a magnet for butterflies is. In order for this to be the case from the start and to stay that way in later years, however, it needs a regular cut. This ...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoodsWalnut

Walnut tree: 6 recognizing and combating diseases and pests

table of contentsDiseasesBacterial burnAnthracnoseShell fragilityPestsaphidBlue caterpillarsWalnut fruit flyLeaf damageOf the Walnut tree delights us not only with the tasty, versatile and healthy walnut, moreover The imposing tree enriches gardens, garden plots and orchards with its abundance and Grandeur. Every hobby gardener should be able to identify and combat diseases and pests at an early stage so that both the visual enrichment and the yield are permanently secured. Here you will find...

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ShrubsGarden PlantsWoods

Cutting maple: instructions in 5 steps

table of contentsPruningCut maplepreparationcutRegular pruningThin outThe maple, scientifically also known as acer, is considered a decorative and at the same time easy-care tree. It is not for nothing that it can be found in countless public and private green spaces. The well-known trees with their distinctive, five-pointed leaves are also very popular in front gardens and gardens. However, even insensitive trees require care and have to be pruned regularly. We'll tell you in simple, easy-to...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoodsWalnut

Transplanting the walnut tree: when and how?

table of contentsTransplant walnut treeWhen to implementRepositioning walnut tree: instructions1. Planting pit2. Dig up walnut tree3. Transportation of the walnut4. Digging in and aftercareA Walnut tree Due to its stately appearance and lush crown, it is one of the most striking pieces of jewelry in many gardens. This is precisely why one would like to develop it optimally at an early age, so that one or the other transplanting often cannot be avoided. You can find out how to transplant a wal...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

When does buddleia bloom? All information about the flowering period

table of contentsHeydayBuddleia speciesExtend flowering timeBuddleja Buddleja comes from the fig family. He's not with the real one lilac related, even if they are very similar in the shape of the flowers. With its long flowering time, the colorful panicles and the uncomplicated nature, Buddleia has won many lovers over the years. Not to forget the delicate floral scent of its flowers. The duration of flowering can be extended a little with a little help.HeydayWhen is the flowering time of Bu...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoodsWalnut

Walnut tree: are the tree or unripe walnuts poisonous?

table of contentsToxicityWalnut treeWalnutsWalnut trees impress with their imposing size, which in adult trees can be a good 10 x 10 x 10 meters. The walnut harvest varies from year to year, but in a good year one can Walnut tree carry up to 150 kilograms of nuts. However, these may only be consumed when ripe, because the green nutshell can lead to poisoning.ToxicityWalnut treeThe walnut tree, bot. Juglans regia, is between 10 and 25 meters high. Since the trees can live up to 150 years, they...

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ShrubsDeciduous TreesGarden PlantsWoods

What does a birch tree kill?

table of contentsKilling birchesKilling reasons against birch treesCreates living spaceImproves site conditionsEmbellishes landscapesProvides healthy foodSuitable for everyday objectsDeadwoodWhy you want to kill birch treesClimate change is killing birch treesWhat allergy sufferers can doThe birch does not have a good reputation. Allergy sufferers in particular are annoyed by the amount of annoying pollen in the spring. Many people affected therefore wonder what kills the birch. But such plan...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoodsRhododendrons

Is the azalea hardy?

table of contentsIs the azalea hardy?Garden azaleaHibernate garden azaleas in bucketsIdeal location for lush floweringIndoor azaleasHibernate an azalea?The azalea impresses both as a houseplant and in the garden bed with a handsome flower. Its beauty is probably also due to the fact that in winter, when the other plants even shed their leaves, they bring color to the garden or apartment. After the flower has wilted, however, the plant looks a bit inconspicuous, almost bleak. This phenomenon c...

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ShrubsEvergreen GrovesGarden PlantsWoods

Is the holly poisonous? Information on Ilex species

table of contentsToxicityconsumptionBeware of children and petsSymptomsHolly in homeopathyThe holly berries look inviting, but they should never be consumed. Because the stone fruits are highly toxic to humans as well as pets!From October onwards, the time has come when the holly fruits are ripe. The fruit-bearing holly visually beautifies many a garden and the animal world is also happy about the winter berries. Because the small fruits are a welcome meal for many birds. Humans and pets, on ...

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