table of contentsOleander only tolerates light frostsBest possible protection in winterHibernate potted plants frost-freeProtect from frost outdoorsWhat to do in the event of frost damage?frequently asked Questionsoleander belongs to the Mediterranean plants. He is used to mild winters with temperatures that are rarely below zero. In Germany it is not hardy. But how sensitive is the oleander to frost?In a nutshellOleander (Nerium Oleander) is only frost-resistant to a limited extent due to it...
table of contentsToxicityCritical doseFor people and animalsSymptoms of poisoningFor animalsFirst aidpreventionYew trees - botanically known as Taxus baccata - are extremely easy to care for. In the right location, a regular cut is sufficient for the crop. Fertilization and watering are only required in very few cases. The yew trees are suitable as solitary plants and as opaque hedges and can reach heights of up to 20 meters. But is it safe or is the yew tree poisonous? All information for hu...
table of contentsRecognize plantspeciesToxicitySymptoms of intoxicationAnimal poisoningFirst aid measurespreventionIndoor plants are at home in almost every household. Of the Ornamental asparagus is widespread, but only those at least are sufficiently informed about the asparagus plant. The plant expert has important details, especially regarding toxicity, ready for you.Indoor plants bind pollutants in the room air and can freshen up the room climate, such as the popular indoor asparagus (Asp...
table of contentsCut oleandertimesafety instructionsInstructions for pruningRadical cutParental cutsMitigation of pests and diseasesOf the oleander (Nerium oleander) is one of the most popular perennials for growing in pots. From June to September it forms numerous flowers. The prerequisite for this is proper care, which primarily includes pruning. Courage is required when cutting, because the perennials need a strong cut so that they not only bloom profusely, but also to protect them from di...
table of contentscausesnutrientto waterOld ageDiseasesWinter failureLocationSaving oleandersSuddenly the decorative oleander yellow leaves and it is completely unclear why this is so. However, the fact is that the plants often react to certain circumstances with yellow leaves. If the gardener is aware of these circumstances, he can react and counteract them with the appropriate care. There are many different factors why an oleander reacts with yellow leaves, because the plant has some special...
table of contentsWintering outdoorsFrost-resistant oleander varietiesHibernate oleander plants indoorsis oleander hardy? Many people ask themselves this question when the plant is outdoors. However, it cannot be answered across the board, because there can be considerable differences in the varieties and cultivated forms. Interested hobby gardeners can find out what to watch out for and which oleander varieties are suitable for wintering outdoors. Wintering outdoorsIn principle, any oleander ...
table of contentsFertilizesuitable fertilizersCoffee groundsTea groundsWood ashBlue grainoleander, botanically Nerium oleander, give the terrace or balcony a Mediterranean flair. So that the oleander also thrives splendidly, you can help with fertilizers in this country. Since the plants tolerate organic fertilizers well, various home remedies are possible for fertilization. They not only help the oleander, but also go easy on the wallet, because many home remedies are based on leftovers that...
table of contentsElephant footLikelihood of confusionToxicityFor the peopleFor petsFirst aid measuresThe elephant foot, also called the elephant tree, with its long, thin, drooping leaves is one easy-care houseplant that can grow up to nine meters high in its native Mexico in the wild can. The succulent tree has the botanical name Beaucarnea recurvata and belongs to the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).Elephant footBeaucarnea recurvata is poisonous in all parts of the plant. The toxins contain...
table of contentsToxicitySymptoms of intoxicationDanger to animalsPoisoning case - humanCase of poisoning - animalconsumptionIn many gardens the cherry laurel, botanically Prunus laurocerasus, is a popular, evergreen privacy screen. The cherry laurel is one of the most popular types of hedge plants. Most people don't know one thing: all parts of the cherry laurel plant are poisonous! In 2013 the cherry laurel was even named poisonous plant of the year.ToxicityDespite the high toxicity, dried ...
table of contentsLaurel cherry speciesgrowthBuddingGrowth habitFrom CaucasicaFrom RotundifoliaFrom AngustifoliaFrom EtnaFrom HerbergiiFrom Mount VernonAlong with the tulip, the cherry laurel was one of the first exotic plants to be found in the Middle Ages Europe and has always been used as a hedge in gardens, parks and along roadsides come. The rose family is known for its rapid growth and winter hardiness down to -20 ° C, which makes it perfect for German gardens. If you want to buy a cherr...
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