table of contentsToxicityToxin absorptionPoisonous effectIn toddlersIn catsIn dogspreventionFirst aidAlternative plantsThe firethorn is a garden shrub that is widespread in the local climes. The plant is particularly popular due to its attractive appearance. In spring it is adorned with white flowers, from which orange to red round fruits grow over the course of the year. These very tempting looking fruits stick to the bush for a long time, even into winter. The attractive ornamental shrub is...
table of contentsDamage imageRhododendron leaf hoppersLarvaeinfectionCombatPesticidesPreventRhododendron varietySuddenly the overwhelming bloom stays with you in the spring rhododendron in your own garden, it is worth investigating more closely. Often an inconspicuous culprit is at work who leaves a characteristic image of damage: the bud tan. At first glance, it is reminiscent of frost damage. In reality, it is a fungus that is transmitted by rhododendron leafhoppers. How you can fight the i...
table of contentsRhododendron flowering timeEarly flowering rhododendron varietiesFlowers from late April to mid MayFlowering period from late May to mid-JuneFlowers in JulyAutumn flowering varietiesWhen it comes to rhododendron blooms, most hobby gardeners think of pink or white blooming varieties in May. Yet these fascinating heather plants have so much more to offer. Their sizes vary between flat carpets and meter-high bushes, and with a skilful selection of varieties, the flowering time e...
table of contentsDiseasesDamage imageChlorosis / calcium chlorosisNitrogen deficiencyMagnesium deficiencyCare errorsLack of watersunburnFrost damageFungal infectionsRhododendrons are among the most popular garden plants in Germany. Caring for them is easy if the location meets the needs of the rhododendron. Of the rhododendron needs a loose, well drained, acidic soil. The bushes do not tolerate lime at all. If the soil is too calcareous or the pH value of the soil is too high, deficiency symp...
table of contentsDiscolored foliageWater supplyNutritional deficiencyPestsLocationPreventive measuresPlants have their own way of drawing attention to deficiencies in care or diseases. Crippled leaves, discoloration and small fruits are typical signs that the lemon tree is not doing well. Yellow leaves on citrus plants are a serious problem. The constant loss of foliage weakens the plants and can lead to the death of the Mediterranean plants.Discolored foliageYellow discolored foliage on lemo...
table of contentsDifferent causesNatural selectionweatherPour properlyNutritional deficiencyWrong winter quartersLemon trees are Mediterranean beauties that have been increasingly found on balconies and winter gardens for several years. The care of the plants is not complicated, but certain requirements must be met. The shedding of flowers and fruits is a mystery for passionate citrus gardeners. Various factors can be responsible for the loss. To get rid of the problem, you should get to the ...
table of contentsToxicityFor childrenFor catsFor petsedibilityThe lucky chestnut is one of the non-toxic plants and can be safely placed in a household with pets. Pachira aquatica is native to South America, but is now popular in Germany as an ornamental plant. the Lucky Chestnut is mostly sold as a potted plant, and the trunks are often braided. This method represents a danger for the plant itself, because damage to the trunk can lead to infestation with pests and thus to the death of the pl...
table of contentsWinter in the houseCold protectionVentilationFrost damageto waterFertilizeCutAfter hibernationThe aromatic one rosemary is one of the most popular herbs. Its botanical name is Rosmarinus officinalis and it belongs to the mint family. The subshrub with the needle-like leaves is a Mediterranean plant. It is found predominantly in the Mediterranean area. Since the rosemary is used to a sunny and warm climate, you should prepare it for the cold winter. We explain here how best to...
table of contentsWinter-resistant varietiesFrost-sensitive varietiesWinter protectionIn the fieldOverwinterIn the bucketIn the houseThyme is a popular addition to the herb garden - but is it also hardy? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, because breeding and variety determine how the plant reacts to freezing temperatures. When wintering, you must therefore pay attention to a few factors. Especially if the plant is to remain outdoors. The climate and the vari...
table of contentsLucky ChestnutToxicityToddlersPetsReptilesedibilityFor quick readersthe Lucky Chestnut is a popular ornamental plant for the home - because of its enormous ease of care and its beautiful appearance. But what about the compatibility of Pachira aquatica? Is it poisonous for humans and animals or not? The article examines this question in detail.Lucky ChestnutThe long, five-fingered leaves of the lucky chestnut, which with a little imagination look like deep green hands, are par...
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