Garden PondFish & Animals In The Garden Pond

Shubunkin goldfish: characteristics, species, size and age

The Shubunkin is very popular, but is often not held properly. From the general profile, about species, size and age to care, we reveal everything that is important to anyone interested in caring for the spotted goldfish species and give tips on the correct keeping of colorful and interesting fish in the pond and in the aquarium - at home and in Garden. CharacteristicsType: belongs to the goldfishSize: up to 30 cm, of which up to 50 percent is partly due to the finsColour: Two- to three-colo...

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Garden PondFish & Animals In The Garden Pond

Bluefish in the garden pond: 8 pieces of advice for keeping the ornamental fish

Sometimes only the back stands out due to an intense blue color. In the meantime, Blauorfen are enjoying great popularity in garden ponds, especially since they are relatively easy to keep.More detailed description of the blue pitchesThe elongated, streamlined body shape already suggests that the Blauorfen are agile, nimble swimmers. In company with other fish, you will therefore always be the first to get the food that is being served arrive. Blue pitches can reach a length of up to 60 cm. T...

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Garden PondFish & Animals In The Garden Pond

Frog in the pond: what do frogs eat in the garden pond?

What could be nicer than listening to the frogs' quack concert on a mild summer evening. Although the amphibians can get quite noisy during mating season, they are important helpers in a garden. Frogs are hunters and only go for live, moving prey. In a flash, they grab the prey with their tongues and devour it in one piece.Recognize frogsThe frog never leaves wet areas, because drought can be dangerous to it. If the living environment and the food source are available, the croaking guests wil...

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Pond Animals Insects, Fish & CoGarden Pond

Swimming pond with fish: this is how the combination works

A swimming pond with fish makes it necessary to plan comprehensively and to give the near-natural pool an appropriate level of care. If put on correctly, however, it can represent a much easier-care alternative to the swimming pool and is also gentler on the skin. However, this only applies if certain factors are taken into account.Legal conditionsIn order to be able to create and successfully maintain a swimming pond with fish, a depth of at least 1.5 meters and the largest possible volume o...

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Pond Animals Insects, Fish & CoGarden Pond

Keep pond clams in the garden pond

An indispensable inhabitant of the pond is the pond mussel from the river mussel family. Different species feel at home in garden ponds, including the large, common and painter's mussels. In order for them to settle in a body of water and to survive there in the long term, certain requirements must be met. To do this, it is important to know what these animals need to live.Basic conditionsPond water that is kept clean with a high-tech filter system is not suitable for pond mussels. Here, alga...

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Pond Animals Insects, Fish & CoGarden Pond

Keeping sunfish in the pond

The sun bass is certainly an ornament for every garden pond. You can keep it there alone, in pairs or in company with other fish species. However, as a predatory fish it is not entirely unproblematic. It also makes special demands on the pond and its food. And because the animal is also extremely willing to reproduce, nothing works without "birth control". Here are a few tips:Always keep only the common sunfish!Not all sunfish are alike. There are now a number of species under the family name...

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Pond Animals Insects, Fish & CoGarden Pond

Dragonfly larvae in the pond: what do dragonflies eat?

If dragonflies have used the pond in the garden to lay their eggs, this is on the one hand an advantage. Because the predatory insects, for example, use the larvae of other insects as prey. However, their diet consists not only of pests, but can also include beneficial insects. Nevertheless, every garden owner should be happy about dragonfly larvae in the garden pond and also set up the created water appropriately.Nutrition in the larval stageMosquito larvae are the main food of dragonfly lar...

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Pond Animals Insects, Fish & CoGarden Pond

Breeding bladder snails: this is how keeping and breeding succeed

A well-functioning still water in your own garden not only needs plants, fish or Crustaceans and the necessary technology, but also organisms that take care of the pond To take care of. These include the bladder snails (Physidae), which are among the wolverines among pond cleaners and for this reason have long been used in aquariums. They feed on all kinds of dead plant remains.Bladder snail in detailThe bladder snails are snails that, due to their large appetite, act as cleaning power in aqu...

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Floating Plants CareGarden Pond

Planting a water jug ​​in the pond: instructions

With unorthodox growth, the water jug ​​is a headache for home gardeners when planting in the garden pond. Leaves and flowers are enthroned above ground on flowing, meter-long stems. Below the surface of the water, the floating leaf plant is partly rooted in the pond floor. These instructions explain in a practical way how to properly plant your local aquatic plants. A detailed guide highlights the exemplary care from A-Z.useful informationWith shiny green, round leaves and bright yellow flow...

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Floating Plants CareGarden Pond

Shell flower, water salad: care from A-Z

The culture of the mussel flower is comparatively easy if you pay attention to a few points. From wintering to locations and propagation, you will get important tips here.LocationThe water salad is a floating plant that comes from the tropics. It therefore needs sufficient light and heat in both the pond and the aquarium. The plants do not get constant water movements. It should therefore not be used near the pump or on a stream.AquariumsOptimal temperatures and conditions exist in the aquari...

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