
Hornets: recognize, drive away and fight?

Find out more about the difference between hornets and wasps and whether hornets can be driven away or even fought in Germany.Hornets are generally considered dangerous for us humans. So, the proverb “7 stings kill a horse, 3 stings a person” makes one believe that hornets are significantly more dangerous than wasps or bees: But is that true? We take a closer look at the hornet in this article.Even if the majority of Germans think that hornets are particularly aggressive and dangerous, this i...

  • 17-Mar-2022
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How dangerous are hornets really?

Hornets and their stings are considered dangerous, but the animals are actually not aggressive and are of great value to our ecosystem.Hornets are fairly harmless to most people [Photo: Gerhard Albicker/]Hornets are still widely regarded as dangerous and aggressive. However, as with many supposedly dangerous animals, this opinion is incorrect. In contrast to the German wasp or the common wasp, hornets are very peaceful animals. Nevertheless, hornets also defend their nest. Th...

  • 17-Mar-2022
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