The natural substrate has these disadvantages

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Higher purchase price

When it comes to the main disadvantage of coconut soil, amateur gardeners agree. The valuable natural substrate costs significantly higher than conventional potting soil. The following table gives a representative insight into the cost structure:

  • 650 grams of humus brick (makes 8 liters of coconut soil): from 3.49 euros / piece
  • 5 kg humus brick (makes 70 liters of coconut soil): from 13.99 euros / piece
  • 50 coconut source tablets (ideal for sowing): from 9.95 euros

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  • Mix coconut soil with potting soil? - Why and how?
  • Use coconut soil correctly for vegetables - this is how it works
  • Coconut soil: which plants is the substrate suitable for?

In comparison, 50 liters cost conventional Potting soil in the hardware store from 2.95 euros. However, it is a peat-containing product that has long been frowned upon in many private gardens. For floral and Potting soil Retailers charge 10-liter sacks from 4.50 euros without peat.

Unsafe mold resistance

Under the influence of warm and humid conditions, the much-touted mold resistance of coconut soil hangs by a thread. As long as there are humus bricks in their packaging, fungal spores have no chance. Unpacked and prepared in warm water, coconut fibers are at the mercy of flying pathogens.

A combination of high humidity and excessive watering leaves coconut soil go moldy. Repot affected plants in fresh coconut oil as soon as possible. So that the disadvantage does not strike again, please carefully examine the location conditions and maintenance program.

Time-consuming processing

Hobby gardeners with limited time to care for plants complain about a characteristic disadvantage of coconut soil. The substrate is pressed into space-saving briquettes. Coconut fiber substrate is only available for use after a swelling process in warm water. This process can take up to 60 minutes. It has an accelerating effect if you now and then through the swelling mass with your hands.

Manufacturers of coconut soil have reacted to the disadvantage and expanded the product range. Loose coconut soil is available for purchase in well-stocked specialist shops and is ready for immediate use. So much luxury has its price. A 50-liter sack costs between 22 and 25 euros; a multiple of conventional growing and potting soil.


There are no nutrients in humus bricks. What is ostensibly a disadvantage is actually an important advantage of coconut fiber substrate. So that seeds and cuttings thrive and take root, the potting soil should be as lean as possible. In order to use the advantages of coconut soil as a pricking soil or potting soil, fertilize You can simply cover a humus brick with mineral liquid fertilizer as part of the swelling process.

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