Location, time and more

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Late planting time

The sugar loaf comes into the earth comparatively late. It is only available at the end of June to the end of July either directly at the destination sown in the bed or planted earlier. If you plant early seedlings at the beginning of this time, you can already in August to harvest. Otherwise you have to be patient until around the end of September.

also read

  • Cutting sugar loaf - only at harvest time!
  • Grow or buy beech seedlings
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Experienced gardeners recommend preference, as the small plants become more robust and grow better. Who doesn't have time for one of their own sowing can buy preferred sugar loaf plants in the garden center.

Choose the ideal location for cultivation

Sugar loaf is ideal as a secondary crop for a harvested spinach or pea patch, provided it is sunny or partially shaded. So no area has to be kept unused for him. Sugar Loaf is content with normal garden soil. Ideally, it should be fresh and well drained. Tomatoes, carrots, fennel and lettuce are allowed in the neighborhood. A location close to potatoes, celery and parsley should be avoided as they do not form a favorable community.

Prepare the bed first

Regardless of whether you are planning no-till or planting seedlings, you should prepare the bed well beforehand. To do this, do the following:

  • Completely clear the preculture
  • Then rake the bed thoroughly
  • pull out all the weeds
  • Remove stones and large lumps of earth
  • Ground with the Rake smooth


As a post-crop of legumes, sugar skin usually finds enough nutrients in the soil. Otherwise work in ripe, sifted compost or water the bed that has not yet been planted with diluted nettle manure.

Planting seedlings properly

You should plant seedlings that you buy in the garden center as soon as possible. But first, the root balls should be given an extensive water bath. Then it continues as follows:

  1. Use a planting cord to mark the rows so that they are straight and the distance between the plants is easier to maintain. Between two rows there should be at least 30 cm.
  2. Place the seedlings along the marking cord, each 30 cm apart. If you plant several rows, place the seedlings offset by half a distance. So they are not on the same level as the rows of adjacent seedlings.
  3. For each seedling, dig a planting hole that is just deeper than the root ball.
  4. Place the seedling in the planting hole, just below the surface of the earth.
  5. Press the earth well.
  6. After all the seedlings have been planted, you should water them well afterwards.

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