A guide to growing agapanthus

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How do the Agapanthus plants grow in this country?

In Central Europe, the African Lily can usually only be grown as a potted plant due to its sensitivity to frost. In extremely mild locations, some leaf-feeding species of the African Lily can also be hardyif the temperatures do not drop below minus 15 degrees Celsius and the soil is loose and dry. Such successful wintering outdoors are exceptions for the African Lily.

also read

  • The African Lily: Planting tubers correctly
  • Be careful with children and pets in the garden: The African Lily is poisonous
  • Caring for the African Lily correctly: cut off the flowers or not?

Where is the ideal location for the African Lily?

The African lily loves locations in full sun, but also comes along Penumbra relatively well. In completely shady locations it can happen that the Container plant no flowers or the long inflorescences stretch ugly at an angle towards the sun.

What is the right level of water supply?

From April to August you should water the plants abundantly once a week if the installation is covered or if it is dry. In small and deeply rooted vessels, watering every day can also make sense when it is hot, provided that excess water can drain off and the roots do not become waterlogged. The plants bridge shorter periods of drought thanks to the water stored in the thick roots.

How is the African lily propagated?

Over time, the roots of the African Lily displace any space for substrate in the vessel, which is why the African Lily has to be reduced and increased by division every few years. the Seeds ripen on the inflorescences in late summer and autumn and can with the rather late cut off the flowers are harvested.

When is the best time to divide and repot?

After wintering in April, the rhizomes can be roughly cut with a saw or ax, this does not have a negative effect on further plant growth. It can be with this Propagation method only one or two seasons without flowers come before the plants have filled their new planter a little more with the roots.

Tips & Tricks

There is a certain risk of planting an agapanthus outdoors and hibernating it even in mild locations. Because of the vigor of the plants after dividing and Repot of the African Lily have surplus specimens, you can have a part of a protected one Location dare to experiment.

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