Money tree gets red leaves

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Red leaves from a lot of direct sunlight

Especially in summer, red edges appear on the leaves of the penny tree, sometimes even the whole leaf is red. This discoloration has a natural cause.

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It is triggered by strong direct sunlight. The sugar crystals that are present in the leaves react to the sun and are responsible for the discoloration. That is completely unproblematic.

If you are bothered by the red leaves of your money tree, simply place the pot in a little more shade so that it is bright but not directly sunny. The red discoloration then disappears immediately.

Make money tree species light with red coloring

There are a few Money tree specieswhose leaves are naturally red in color - mostly around the edges.

In order for the coloring to be retained, these varieties need a lot of direct sunlight. Otherwise the decorative color will fade.

Causes of yellow leaves

  • Too much moisture
  • too much nutrient supply
  • Pest infestation

Step yellow leaves on the money tree the plant may be receiving too much water or you may have fertilized it too well.

Also a pest infestation through Spider mites can cause yellow leaves.

Brown spots indicate sunburn

Small brown spots can be a sign of sunburn. They arise when the plant stands directly in the flower window and the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The window glass acts like a burning glass. Provide some shade.

Larger brown spots are caused by over-watering or frequent watering. Take care of the Money tree only with water when the top layers of the earth are completely dry. Empty the coasters immediately to prevent waterlogging.


White spots on the leaves are also not that dangerous. They occur when the houseplant exudes too much moisture through the leaves. Water the money tree accordingly less.

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