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Dry the tree trunk naturally

You can often see tree trunks that dry naturally on a walk in the forest: those along the hiking trails Stacked trunks lie there for several years until they have reached the desired degree of dryness and are processed further can. However, with so-called open-air drying, the following points must be observed:

  • Felling trees only in winter
  • at this point they are in anyway Hibernation and are already relatively dry.
  • Drying takes a long time - months to sometimes years
  • only degrees of dryness of 15 to 20% are possible
  • However, wood intended for furniture must be dried further
  • Tree trunk never store directly on the ground
  • always on a stone or similar ä. Jack up the base
  • Concrete or gravel is also suitable
  • Maintain a distance of 40 to 60 centimeters from the ground if possible
  • Tree trunk airy, but protected from rain in a shed or similar. ä. to store

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Outdoor drying is an inexpensive way of drying wood, but you will need a lot of patience to do so. Even if slow drying is the most gentle for the wood, damage can occur during long periods of storage. These show up in the form of cracks.

Technical drying in the drying chamber

In contrast, the tree trunk is dried much faster in a special drying chamber - Here the wood is already dry after a few days and can be used for the desired project will. The advantage of this method is that the temperature and humidity can be set individually and thus a precise result can be achieved. The typical damage of natural drying, such as fungal infestation, the formation of cracks or discoloration, does not occur here either. Instead, pests in the wood are reliably killed at temperatures above 60 ° C. Of course, not everyone has such a drying chamber around at home, and it is also not worth buying a few tree trunks. But ask in larger wood processing companies, all in one Sawmill or a drying technology company specializing in wood drying.


Before further processing, you should not only dry the log, but also according to its intended use impregnate and thus protect against moisture and the penetration of putrefactive bacteria and fungi.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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