What does it mean when the holes are sealed?

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Recognize insect species by the hole closure

  • The red mason bee: coarse, rough mortar, loam or clay
  • The holey bee: stones trapped in resin
  • The scissor bee: stones trapped in resin
  • The clay wasp: clay, smooth mortar, set back a little
  • The potter's grave wasp (Trypoxylon spec.): Brings its brood green spiders, which then lie in front of the entrance
  • The potter's digger wasp (Trypoxylon figulus): closes its holes in May, holes have a small hole

In addition, there are numerous types of insects (mainly Wasps), which pierce the bees' nest closures in order to lay their eggs in the nest that has been made. The host's brood serves as food for the hatching larvae.

also read

  • The right hole size for your insect hotel
  • Equip the insect hotel appropriately
  • These tips will make your insect hotel even more effective

Seal holes yourself?

A stable one Back wall only allows frontal entry. However, this construction is not absolutely necessary as long as that Insect hotel(€ 11.33 at Amazon *) also on the back for Birds inaccessible

is. Bees then use both entrances. You can offer the insects a nesting place from the following materials:

  • Bamboo tubes
  • pierced hardwood
  • dried stems of knotweed
  • reed
  • Clay blocks or bricks

Always make sure that the Drilling were executed cleanly. Cracks cause damage to the wings of bees.

Clean closed holes?

Sealed holes in the insect hotel are not uncommon during the breeding season. Sometimes the seals even last longer than a year. Many gardeners then suspect that the brood has long been dead and remove the nest lock at the cleaning. In this regard, you should know that the larvae of some insect species take such a long time Hatch. So it is better to leave the seals to themselves. Some species of bees remove the material from their predecessors on their own.