When is the flowering time?

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Oleander blooms well into autumn

The oleander blooms tirelessly from early summer to autumn. Its mostly red, white, pink or yellow flowers appear between June and September; and the more luscious the better the oleander cared for will. As a heavy consumer, the plant needs a lot of nutrients, especially during the flowering period, and should therefore with a good one once or twice a week Flowering plant fertilizer(€ 10.86 at Amazon *) are supplied. An adequate water supply is also important for abundant flowering, because the oleander needs a lot of the precious water.

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With many flowering plants it makes sense to remove dead shoots and thus stimulate the formation of new flowers, but not with oleanders. This is where the plants of the new flowers to come sit at the top of the old, used ones - which is why you would deprive yourself of a new flower if you cut away what has faded. Instead, leave the old flowers on the bush, they will dry up after a while and fall off by themselves.


If the Oleander does not want to bloom, this could be due to the location: Oleanders like it warm, sunny and sheltered from the wind. If it is too cold for them, the flower will fail. After clearing out the winter quarters, stimulate the flower formation by watering the oleander with lukewarm water.